Petition: An All Metal Video Channel


New Metal Member
Jan 17, 2005
Hey guys! How is everyone doing? I need your help. Actually, our boys need your help. We have a SERIOUS petition taken place concerning an exlusive heavy metal video channel. Our goal is to achieve an outlet where our metal artists no longer have to fight the industry to get their music heard.

Okay, as of just a couple of hours ago, I received an email from one of the Managers at Sanctuary. Please tell me these guys are still with Sanctuary. These artists hop all over the damn place. Anyway, Cory says that the names I mentioned were on Sancs Roster. He LOVES the idea. We are inches from getting Sanctuary's support for this campaign. To get the Labels behind this is what we need. But in order for the Labels to get involved, we must show them that the demand is there. WE ARE SICK OF BEING FORCE FED A CERTAIN GENRE OF MUSIC BY THE INDUSTRY!!! Be sure to put something really JUICY in the comments. All the big dogs at our major labels have the link and I promise you, they are out there looking at what people are saying. :loco:

I will do my part and try to get word to these guys. Yall do your part and PLEASE go over and sign the petition and support these guys. Hopefully when word gets to them, they will do the same. Six of our artists have already signed their support. :p

Before you go, let me just say that the petition on the petition site is the SHORT VERSION. The Final Petition is located on my site. If you really want to make yourselves comfy and read that (4) page petition final, I will put that link down at the bottom. The Final Petition has already been faxed to Eric Sherman/Vh1 VP & Judy McGrath/CEO MTV Networks.

Okay, so here is the link that will take you directly to the petition to sign:

Here is the link to the Petition Final for the brave ones that care to read all that blah, blah, blah...

Keep your fingers crossed and hopefully by tomorrow we will have Sanctuary on our side!

Campaign Leaders,
-John & Lynne
“Not for you. Not for me. But for us.”-ra
Contact info:
Artist’s signatures are only valid upon confirmation received from their webmasters, managers or other reliable sources.
Oh boy! A petition to try to force a company to do something which has already been tried and failed miserably! And an internet petition at that! I can't wait!
Ragamuffin said:
Oh boy! A petition to try to force a company to do something which has already been tried and failed miserably! And an internet petition at that! I can't wait!

A petition brought back HB Ball. But, all we need is to show the demand for the music. The Labels will have more pull than I. MTV Rocks, they stripped it before to many people knew about it. Probably Redman sitting back twiddling his thumbs thinking of ways to merge this and cut that. Who said it HAD to be MTV? I have contacted Fuse also. If this weren't serious, we sure wouldn't have the VP and CEO's all up into this sh*t. It's your call. I can't force you.

Thanks to ones who did sign. :grin:

Nobody said it HAD to be MTV, but the fact that MTV has already had an all metal channel which failed will certainly make anyone else wary to do it.
maybe it wouldn´t help at all, but it´s better than just having a smartass comments and not doing anything.
I signed it as well...

I missed the X channel but man that thing was on a loop like a mutha...just figuring out the timing of it was the fun part...but i knew it was becuase of the way the videos were grouped.
Dum Spīrō, spērō

Latin: While I hope, I breathe

It's worth the time indeed. Whether it helps or not it's important that we are recognized at least for our support for eachother. Unfortunately, our society has looked at us w/a crooked eye since we listen to "Satan's Music". Just for the pure enjoyment of spreading information to the ignorant and making it more readily available to their children. :tickled:

I'd love to have a channel that is filled w/metal. I'd watch it all the time!

A channel dedicated to one genre is actually quite brilliant since you can change the channel to something else as your mood changes or go to it when that is what you crave. As for me, I listen to rock/metal about 90% of the time so this channel would be of great use to me.