Petition for JEM shirts

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the_dying said:
Yep, I'm not going to pay 25 euro for a T-shirt...

then you probably wont get one.......they are not cheap to make......and I really dont think that Jesse or the band would make much money no matter how they sell them......I payed less that 20$ U.S.D. for my saw you drown shirt.....I dont find that to be too fact I dont mind supporting my favorite band at I dont care if you want to be a baby about the situation.....more shirts for us diehards to buy.......
norghash said:
i'd like to get one, too...although it's 12 years too late :Smug:

however, they should be sold through the katatonia website, not through ebay or at least for a reasonable "buy now" price...

The amount of people that want the shirt is usually greater than the amount printed, so if you want it you have to fight for it(ie, bidding on ebay)
or you print more tshirts...

I consider myself a diehard fan, but i still _cant_ pay 25 buckaloories for a shirt..

thats like a third of what i have left of my salary after paying bills..
As said before, you never have to buy anything you don't want. And if you think something is too expensive, then you don't have to get it. It is expensive printing limited run shirts, and limited run shirts is what we're interested in doing. They are still usually cheaper than shirts you'd get at a show--and they are being shipped airmail world wide, which isn't cheap.

Anyways, enough on this subject. Thanks for the interest everyone.
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