Petition to bring back the "Book" thread


Towards the Great Sky
Jan 28, 2006
So it seems like this forum has once again become a decent place to visit and gain knowledge of new and different types of music/bands. A year or two ago there was a thread started in the Non-Opeth forum that was used to discuss books, and Samsara closed the thread since it wasnt "music related," however I feel that the thread should be re-made and kept open. I feel alot of us could benefit from hearing of others favorite books and recommendations. I have fallen in love with so many bands that i discovered through this forum, I hope to do the same with books mentioned.
well, why not? either that or open a completely off topic section, perhaps we should pm samsara about it
well personally i would like a book thread too, but i can see why it was closed. this is, after all, a music forum and everyone here loves music and music discussion, otherwise why be here? i for one love discussing all elements of music, whether its bands and songs, music theory, instruments etc. that being said i would definetely enjoy a book thread
the only books I would be talking about is the vampire chronicles and the harry potter series. I have finished the harry potter series but not the vampire chronicles so its tough to say whih is the best right now. I started the vampire chronicles with MemnochThe Dvil. Excllent read.Its about the devil coming to Lestat and wanting him to be his apprentice. He takes Lestat to heaven and hell and to Christ's crucifixion. I highly reccomend it.
the only books I would be talking about is the vampire chronicles and the harry potter series. I have finished the harry potter series but not the vampire chronicles so its tough to say whih is the best right now. I started the vampire chronicles with MemnochThe Dvil. Excllent read.Its about the devil coming to Lestat and wanting him to be his apprentice. He takes Lestat to heaven and hell and to Christ's crucifixion. I highly reccomend it., maybe try broadening your horizon with books.
Ok... so even if I didn't specifically have a problem with a "Book" thread... it opens up the whole can of worms. "We have a book thread, why not a Movie thread?", then a "TV" thread, then threads about specific shows and movies and horseback riding and dating and the weather.... Total Off-Topic Free for All forum. That's not what Mike is paying for. It's his bands forum and a Non-Opeth Music Chat section cause the fans love music of all kinds. Sorry, but the rest of the net including other places here on UM have plendy of room to chat about all things under the sun.
Surely there's a 'grey area' to this argument though? Perhaps there's a way to stay somewhat on topic and still discuss books?

For example, while listening to Esoteric's Maniacal Vale, I felt as if I had transformed into a giant insect, much like Gregor Samsa in Kafka's "The Metamorphosis"....

Also, I think the movie thread should be closed if we can't have a book thread. Why should one non-music topic be acceptable and not another? Or has it already been closed?