1. Morgan Nicole (NeverIsForever)
2. Wes (bangadrian)
3. Joseph (ninefeetunderground/landofgreyandpink/lordhypnos)
4. Kevin (TehLeperAffinity)
5. John (saut)
6. Rob (RjBeals)
7. spigot
8. David ([KOTNO]Narrot)
9. Chris (affinityband)
10. Kris (Metalstrm)
11. Greg (R0l0)
12. Menno (antz0r)
13. Alex (Still Death)
14. TheApostle
15. bball_1523
16. Dhusi (Detric)
17. steel102
18. Mike (Pseud0/symbolic_acts)
19. Jonathan (Prognostic)
20. Justin (Blackhorse_Experience)
21. dorian (dorian)
22 bored
23 rob (sgtpepper)
24. geiger alex powell, jr (treyhaver's looking for ren's detailed job)
25. Vic (Apprentice's Master)
26. Charles (changso, Rensei)
27. Matt (GYBE!)
28. Carrick (Kichacid)
29. Aleksandr Revzin (RookParliament)
30. Steve (Caca Volante)
31. John (DEMIgOD)
32. George (George)
33. Antonio (Demoke)
34. Eugenio (opethpainter)
35. Marc (milkman)
36. zach (Leter Pindgren)
37. Dennie (DegradationTrip)
38. Man In Black
39. Kenneth (Silent Song)
40. Pope Josoph Ratzinger (Hopkins)
41. Mr. Niel (Protected Witness...fuck the system)
42. Timon Lankester (Brains for Breakfast)
43. Qth (Johan)
44. Jake (House of Seance)
45. S4R (S4R) (aka S4R)
46. Chris (Dreadful)
47. Justin (Animus)
48. Joe (OpethGuitarist)
49. Chris (ChrisEmerson)
50. Neale (Dhalaren)
51. Jesper (JaadCe)
52. Kyle (shantideva)
53. IAmTheAntichrist
54.Canberk(Md Player)
55. Scott (Sinistas)
56. grig (prowlergrig)
57. Harrison (goreISart)
whats going on?