Phase issue with bussing drums


Mar 18, 2007
hey guys I got a problem, when I buss all the drum tracks to 2 stereo busses I get this kind of flanger effect, I use 1 buss with comp. and stuff and the other one is clean from plugins, I listen to a lot if mixes that use this, but cna say I can hear my type of flanger effect..!?

I use ezdrummer multichannel to 2 Aux.
Put the compressor on the other bus too and put it on bypass or use settings on that one so that it's doing nothing. Are you using PT LE? In PT LE you should always have the same plugins when doing parallel compression! Maybe even if it's showing that you're not having any latency on the busses. This way the delay caused by plugins is the same on each bus and you won't run into phase problems. This was featured on the Kenny Gioia PT tutorials.