Phasing problem in Heatwork ?

Brett - K A L I S I A

Dreaded Moderator
Feb 26, 2004
Hey guys,

I just listened to Carcass "Heartwork" this afternoon in my car, and I noticed something very surprising : some phasing problem with the cymbals... Listen to the track "Heartwork", the cymbals are shifting, especially the ones on the right. Well, I guess they are, maybe I'm just completely wrong, maybe this is not what is happening, but I almost drove out of the road when I noticed that... Ain't that nice to see that even on some widely acclaimed produced album by some even more widely acclaimed producer, there still can be some problems ?

Phasing "problem" - I doubt it. What part of the song are you referring to exactly?
Gonna listen when I get back to the house.

I like your website. Do you mind if I ask you a question? What did you use to make your images change (pixelate) on your "Releases" section? I saw that same thing on the In Flames site.
I'm referring to the whole song, but I noticed it clearly on the beginning of it.

Thanks for the website... I used a function inside IE that looks like that :
FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixelate(MaxSquare=15,Duration=0.5)
Try searching for a function like that with Google, there are plenty of very useful Javascript related websites.
Thanks for the info.

I always heard that, at least at the beginning of the song, and figured it was my f'ed up cassette!!! I listened to "the heartwork ep" on CD through my studio monitors and I'd bet the farm that what you're hearing is cymbal leakage into a tom track and the gate on the tom channel opening and closing with the loudest hits. I wouldn't call it a problem, though - back in '93, it was a little harder to deal with stuff like that. Good ears, though!