Phoenix Show

I will keep my thoughts to myself about showing respect towards all bands on a tour lineup. I just think if a band isn't your thing, you keep quiet and maybe politely applaud. I will not scream for something that sucks. Paradise lost sucks at least if you aren't at a german dance hall. :)
Originally posted by Bottom of Lake Bodom
What shirt? And that show was un belivable. The suinger from Tapping The Vein went out durring the show and helped sell their t-shirts. Not too many people even noticed.

It already got answered for me, but yea, the Morningrise longsleeve.
I saw the show in Santa Anna the next day, met up with Martin and Martin, I guess my girlfriend and I were the first faces they saw as far as fans comming in. They said hi and bye, and then we went in, if you have seen pictures of the Galaxy theater, it is really that can totally see the band comfortably while you sit at a dinner table and the sound kicks ass. Probably the best shows I have seen in a long time...

There were probably 500 kids almost wearing all Opeth shirts of everykind...I also got backstage and hanged out for a bit, nice guy I talked to was the bald headed dood from Paradise Lost, hes cool, but yes, if anyone wants to see there favortie band in a nice as fuck venue, try this venue!!!!!It's worth the trip.
I have to say that despite Opeth being absolutely fantastic...I can't say that I saw them at the show. The venue was pretty deplorable and it will be my last time attending anything at the Mason Jar.

It's nice to finally say I attended an Opeth show, but in a court of law, I couldn't possibly claim to have laid eyes on them for more than a total of 3 minutes cumulatively. And I also had to resist destroying the drunken skanks behind us being incredibly irritating and disrespectful.

At least I got a bitchin' shirt and witnessed (earwitnessed?) how a human being can make those growls and come back with sweet melodic clarity in his voice. Spectacular.
Yeah it was a pretty tight squeeze in there and after the first 3 songs Opeth did I couldnt handle being a human sandwich so I found a much better spot over by the speakers. You could see the band really good there and they were only like 5-10 feet away.

VEHEMENCE, which show was better in your opinion, the Santa Ana one or the Phoenix show? Btw you are one lucky bastard getting to hang out them!