We treated the room when we built it (it's our rehearsal space also), but it obviously needs more work. We put 703 on the walls in floor-to-ceiling strips, alternating with open spaces of nothing on the walls. Just used our ears, because we needed to tame all those reflections but not have it too dead since we track drums in there as well. We put a little bit of 703 straddling some corners for makeshift bass traps, but obviously it wasn't enough. I guess basically what's happening is the low end is still a bit out of control while some of the highs are tamed. It sounds pretty good while you're in there, at least so I thought, not overly boomy or anything, but I know now that there's definitely still a mud problem. So I'm building some wood-panel bass traps and also some broadband absorbers to hopefully get this straightened out.
I need to get some foam walls or something to put around guitar cabs for tracking. That would probably help too, I just worry about early reflections and whatnot so I don't want to get the wrong stuff.