Photos Of You And Photos Of Orphaned Land

hey, i didn't know OL have forum here....
hello im gal(male hehe) 17old from israel.. im playing drums and avi diamond is my teacher :P

its nice too see ol; have fans in the world!!!
Nice pics Sabrina, though you look kinda pale in the first one, or atleast I think...

You eat well?

EDIT: Oh yeah, I came to remember your a Buddhist! So you must be Vegetarian, right?
You used to be like my twin...and all that's been
was it all for nothing?...

Had a Katatonia moment...
You three are deffinetly the craziest people I know...
your sister is pretty
Messiakh said:
Nice pics Sabrina, though you look kinda pale in the first one, or atleast I think...

You eat well?

EDIT: Oh yeah, I came to remember your a Buddhist! So you must be Vegetarian, right?

YES I EAT .....I'M FAT ;'-(
You are not overweighted at all.

And if you may need a little weight loss as you claim, then I'm sure a only a few hours of working out will solve it ;)
Thanks guys !!!!
but is a problem for me the weight ......:waah:
And thanks Morticia but you're a beautiful perfect girl !!!!
you're much lucky :p
