Photoshop Content Aware

Me: The lens flare and tree removal examples seem perfectly reasonable, essentially just filling in areas of solid colors and gradients that match the surrounding areas, neato. But I think I gotta call bullshit on the desert and storm cloud examples, in which the 'tool' appears to be magically CREATING NEW CONTENT.

Gordon: its all math, baby!

Me: Math can predict the next number in a series. If the mountain range is going up at the edge of the picture area, any extension of said image should continue going up. Math doesn't say "Okay, in this 1000 feet of mountain range, the specified blank area will contain a lesser peak of decreased elevation that is not in shadow unlike the adjacent peak." Bullllllshiiiiiit.

Gordon: but math can look at the peaks around it and say, "these end in triangles surrounded by blue (sky), so this one should too."

Me: That's exactly what it should be capable of, yes. Not inventing new topography from scratch. Look at the mountain range example again. Where the original image cuts off on the left the range is angled up slightly and on the right it's angled up a little more sharply. In the "fill" image, Photoshop has supposedly somehow decided that the range on the left keeps going up, then dips down a bit, then keeps going up, and that the range on the right was a peak and now goes down at a sharp angle. That isn't filling in the missing next few numbers in a mathematical sequence, that's flat out artistic content creation. I think the only "fill" we're seeing there is "the viewers' heads with nonsense". :lol:

You underestimate the power of maths
Honestly I think it does a pretty shitty job... the clouds/ Liberty one is passable , but the waterfall looks like utter garbage... it would take me more time to fix what the plug in fucked up... it's just like a big clone stamp.
Yeah, I guess I was absent the day at school they taught how to use a slide rule to predict whether or not there is a cave hidden behind a waterfall and if so what does it look like. :lol: Those bastards.

I lol'd

but at the same time, the tool does exist, and it does work (ish) so obviously the maths does exist! It's just a very complex interpolation with a hideous amount of extra caveats like tending towards continuing the general behaviour of existing lines etc etc
Ok after trying to get some real world use out of this tool it fucking sucks, because you have no control at all of where it pulls content from, I'll be trying to extend a studio backdrop to cover the entire image, half the time the person's face ends up in the background extension that photoshop "draws"

Had so much potential but needs more options for control

Looks like it's still clone stamp/healing brush for me...