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Sorry if this one has been shown, I didn't make it, but I like it. I cbf looking through 170 pages lol

Moderatto (a nasty pop mexican band trying to be glam metal)+Opeth = ModerOpeth :erk:
To continue the burger theme:

Seven cheeseburgers...
Under a watching burger bun
Contorted patties are spreading forth
The message of the obese

With frozen buns I rode with the stars

With ketchup, the bottle blew
Giving mustard to my entreé
Onions gathered across the bun
Blazing the white light

Passing the McDonald's I know so well
I am near, yet so far away

I saw her Happy Meal in the darkness
Awaiting me like the night awaits the day
Standing silent, cooking in my presence
A black griddle holds the only light

A sesame bun encloses
And the griddle seems to expire
In her cold, cold restaurant

And as a forlourn meal
It will be eaten away

Touching the meat in this night
My milkshake froze forever
Embraced before the bill
A payment brought total eclipse

And she spoke
Once and forever
This food was so good
In this McDonald's restaurant
She was standing...
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