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zortz said:
I have an idea. How 'bout we stop all the putting Opeth's faces on female bodies and ones with Opeth members having sex with each other, etc.

May just be me, but I think those sorts of pics cross the line from being funny to being just plain disturbing and disresepectful. Or maybe I'm just in a bad mood today or something.

Anyway, the other ones are ROFL. I hope the band has a really good sense of humor :) .
I agree. These pics aren't even funny.
Mikael (form the show in israel): "today wer'e gonna fucked by alcohol...peter is gonna fucked by alcohol martin gonna fucked by alcohol mendez gonna fucked.... and per gonna fuck me"

im sure they taking those pictures in good spirit
Yes, more funny photoshopping. More appropriate pictures please.

Come on.

-P.s. I think I know why the link didn't work. It is an abbreviated link from the address bar. See the /.../ in the link? That means there is more to it, but twas just abbreviated.
Godhead's Lament said:
Oh that's why it looked like Mike to me lol. Looks too real. Nice.

Haha, I thought you were being sarcastic. The Chewbakerfeldt is great! Love you work too illidurit! :kickass:
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