physiological improvements for mixing


May 19, 2010
So what I'm wondering, is this... is there anything you guys do to your bodies before mixing to help? The reason why I bring it up is because I was thinking that there are these ear cleaners that drain your ears out, which I would imagine helps in your perception of frequencies. Anything along those lines of something to help out mixes.

let the masturbation jokes commence.
i have said this before on this forum, so i will quote myself:

"we have a few old-timers here at the studio and they have had severe aural damage for obvious reasons.

a few of them use meclizine (dramamine) before they mix because it produces an equilibrium with in the cochlea and increases the amount of cochlear fluid which results in a more attended cilium in the cochlea.

this can cause drowsiness so it might also benefit to drink some coffee as well."

some people will also say cannabis... but if you are working with church-going people or the more conservative client, obviously this would not payoff.
At times I take pseudoephedrine spray in order to make sure that my sinuses stay clear. I've had chronic problems with blockage in my right ear for years now, which has been a huge hassle.

Really keen to see what people here recommend...
Just to clarify, Meclizine is actually Dramamine II and not nearly as sleep inducing as Dimenhydrinate (Original Dramamine). I just thought that was worth mentioning in case you were going to go buy some to try it.
No. This may seem rather redundant, but the main thing I think is to be alert and focussed. I dont think that theres going to be anything thats going to improve your hearing over nominal baseline (unless of course your hearing is at less than baseline...more to follow for ermz). The difference is in how much attention your able to pay and for how long. This isnt really a hearing thing as much as mental. Some decent slow release energy food and not getting *too* strung out on coffee are beneficial to me, largely because if I dont do that then I'll be unfocussed, irritable and liable to rip someones head off.

Ermz - I recenly had an infection in one ear. The infection was cleared by anitbiotics, but the residual clogging lasted longer. I dealt with it to some extent with a nasal spray and, also, ibuprofen; any inflamation present is relieved (at least partially) and so, though theres no less blockage, it has more space so impinges less on hearing. Of course this only works if the region can be de-inflamed, but if you havent tried this then theres no harm in popping a few hundred mg of ibubrofen a couple of times a day for a few days and seeing if it gives you any benefit. I hope it helps (though you do great work for a hearing impaired person ;))
I cant see how cannabis can do anything benefitial? I've been assisting from time to time an old timer (David Tickle) and he does seem to consume cannabis during sessions... but I cant see how that benefits other than creativity, if I did that I wouldnt be able to focus ... ever until I got sober again..
I'd really stay from any kind of drugs, too. That includes medicine. If it's a chronic or acute problem, it's probably a good thing, but taking _anything_ just for "fun" or concentration really scares me. Even of you think you have an idea what you're taking.. you don't. Never underestimate the side effects, especially the ones noone knows about. You should never ever take medicine without REALLY needing it.
I go for a fast paced 2K walk before a session starts, lift some weights at the end of the day to wind down, let the band order food in whilst I eat some light good stuff and drink copious amounts of water throughout the day. Sleep as much as possible in between.

Giving up durries and laying off coffee does wonders for your head and hearing. And not flying on the day of a mix.
I cant see how cannabis can do anything benefitial? I've been assisting from time to time an old timer (David Tickle) and he does seem to consume cannabis during sessions... but I cant see how that benefits other than creativity, if I did that I wouldnt be able to focus ... ever until I got sober again..

Different strokes for different folks? I mean, that's cool for you. But it works the opposite for other people.

Recording, mixing and even editing is a creative process after all.
Just to clarify, Meclizine is actually Dramamine II and not nearly as sleep inducing as Dimenhydrinate (Original Dramamine). I just thought that was worth mentioning in case you were going to go buy some to try it.

Meclizine is the active ingredient in some of the over the counter preparations of Dramamine (see Dramamine Lo-Dose) where Dimenhydrinate is active ingredient of the original formulation of Dramamine. However, Diphenhydramine (which is one of the active ingredients in Dimenhydrinate) is the active ingredient in Benadryl, which is an antihistamine (and is used in some sleep-aid medications, because it causes drowsiness - see Tylenol PM).

Both Diphenhydramine and Dimenhydrinate may cause drowsiness, so definitely take it the day BEFORE your mix session to see how your body will react, because you could find yourself snoring and drooling on your keyboard in no time.

I have to take Meclizine from time to time for recurring bouts of BPPV (which is the worst fucking thing ever), and it has no effect on me at all. Meaning, medications react to different people in different ways, so trial yourself on Meclizine (or its derivatives) before you use it in practice. It may have a huge effect, or no effect at all.
Another tip for those of you with sinus issues is taking a really hot shower, to let the steam clear out your sinuses. That always helps when I have sinus issues - the steam breaks everything up so I can get it out of my system.

I always take a good shower, make sure I have enough coffee or water around me, I'm satisfied, comfortable, good room temperature, good chair and no disturbances. For me it's like the preparation for a spiritual exercise. Same shit for studying, I need to really get in that right mood and then everything is smooth!

If you have any hearing disabilities just take the meds you usually take and be sure that you are in the right mood. There's absolutely no need to take anything else.
Meclizine is the active ingredient in some of the over the counter preparations of Dramamine (see Dramamine Lo-Dose) where Dimenhydrinate is active ingredient of the original formulation of Dramamine. However, Diphenhydramine (which is one of the active ingredients in Dimenhydrinate) is the active ingredient in Benadryl, which is an antihistamine (and is used in some sleep-aid medications, because it causes drowsiness - see Tylenol PM).

Both Diphenhydramine and Dimenhydrinate may cause drowsiness, so definitely take it the day BEFORE your mix session to see how your body will react, because you could find yourself snoring and drooling on your keyboard in no time.

I have to take Meclizine from time to time for recurring bouts of BPPV (which is the worst fucking thing ever), and it has no effect on me at all. Meaning, medications react to different people in different ways, so trial yourself on Meclizine (or its derivatives) before you use it in practice. It may have a huge effect, or no effect at all.

Hey Chris, I'm not really sure what you are correcting from my post. FWIW I have to take Meclizine at least once a week for chronic vertigo too. It is indeed terrible, although I've found ginger helps a lot too and might be worth trying for the potential mixing benefits.
The main thing that helps me is, eating well during those days and drink LOADS and I mean LOADS of water, you will piss a lot but it helps A LOT with concentration and just the hearing, if you dont drink enough water I feel something odd in my ears, when I do drink like 2ltrs or more a day my ears feel excellent throughout the whole day!
Hey Chris, I'm not really sure what you are correcting from my post. FWIW I have to take Meclizine at least once a week for chronic vertigo too. It is indeed terrible, although I've found ginger helps a lot too and might be worth trying for the potential mixing benefits.

Egan - I wasn't correcting anything man - sorry if it looked that way! I was just elaborating since some of those drug names look similar, etc. :)

Ginger? That's interesting - seriously, vertigo is the worst feeling you couuld possibly experience, so - I shall definitely look into Ginger!

Ginger? That's interesting - seriously, vertigo is the worst feeling you couuld possibly experience, so - I shall definitely look into Ginger!

Ginger is used to help motion sickness, which is more common in people with inner ear problems (like BPPV). It's kinda gross it just eat ginger, and ginger pills aren't as good as the fresh stuff, so your best bet is making a tea with it.
