dude, nothing wrong with those in my opinion. I think I know what you're referring to and honestly, just try a small, medium Q cut at around 3k and just sweep it back and forth a small amount to see where it sounds best but also where its not affecting the balance of your other elements. I wouldn't cut any further than 3db to start with
personally, I kinda dig the way they sound. they have some teeth
if you're clipping the snare/toms tracks with a plugin like TRacks clipper, just don't push the tracks to the limit.
BTW your drums don't sound that bad. I'm not a fan of ringy snares, but this is a matter of preference.
are you layering snare samples? i hear a flam
Transient control is one of the more annoying things about mixing drums. The 3kHz cut was a good idea. If you want to 'glue' the drums into the mix any more you might want to try some light saturation on the drum bus. VCC is quite good for this. Alternatively you can try some light parallel compression in order to bring the body of the drums back up underneath the transients. Beyond that, analogue compressors have a habit of controlling transients in a way that's inherently less 'pokey' than their ITB counterparts.
I've been using Decaptator for saturation, but I've heard a lot of good things about VCC and VTM, I'm curious about them, might give it a shot.
The advice from Skinny Viking worked wonders. Did a cut around 3k on the shells an it made the whole thing much smoother. Thanks a lot for the help guys!