Pic and guitar article


Something Funny
May 14, 2004
WA State

From Guitar Player June 04. That pic kinda looks like the one on HCDR.
right, pallarandersvisa, I totally agree with you! I mean, saying it once or twice may be okay, but ALL THE TIME?
I just happen to be able to ignore that....anyone who whines about it more than once should stuffed in the broomcloset with starved, flesheating ferrets in their mating season....
Rhythm guitar rocks...try to play an extremely cool riff that you did while jamming again, with hard-to-remember rhythms....tough bitch, that.
hehehe yeah i keep forgetting my riffs

and yeah it's funny to see people calling alexi a bunny and other people constantly complaining about it (: (:

The Bunny Club vs. the Anti-Bunny Club!!!!!!!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
dude lets start a civil way lol haha yea rythm is fun to play but i think if a guitarist isnt able to solo then there not realyl a guitarist they are more of a song writer because soloing is the heart and soul of guitar there is no greater feeling then shredding out an amazing lead with tons af arpegios sweeps tremolo picking and what not, its simply amazing