pic thread...

My cousin just had his first child in late October and I see how much work that baby is to take care of. I can't even imagine what twins would be like! My other cousin's wife is in the hospital right now about to have their third child.

Great photo's both of you! :)
I thought this would be another monster - picture thread,
like the one on the Opethforum! I just love that thread....
Seeing how everyone looks like makes you feel more
connected in a way :eek:) Anyways, great pics Morgana!
This is the place where we'll post all the pics we like? :eek:))
Beautiful kids, Algol! Congratulations! Makes we want kids myself... My brother had his first child a year ago. A little girl. She's so funny, frowning and breathing quickly in and out like a dog. She's trying to scare us, it seems :D
By the way - to all of you - those of you who have these pictures attached on the side, pictures of people, are those persons you? I agree with Morgana, anyway; it's nice to know how folks look. It more like we know each others then.