For all those into viking/norse stuff

Not so much to comment on so far, but I like the idea. You will put all your translations on it in time I hope.
for now I uploaded only the song of the Einherjer, soon I'll post the whole poem for the first time translated in english (at least one you can understand and not the shitty "old english" version that you can find in some sites), this first publication was only informative about the site
I'll keep you informed 'bout it
I finally updated my site with "Haraldskvæði (Hrafnsmál)" for the first time (I suppose) in english freely on the net, hope you enjoy it

P.S. If anyone knows how to put a guestbook e-mail me please
Cool!! Great job there mantis! I love those long metaphors the scalds used, like corpses' lake = blood or too gift to eagles = to kill. :D

Do you know any webpage with an old norse wordlist? I find many pages with grammar but without much of a wordlist..

The page only works in Firefox for me, not in internet explorer. And why did you remove the Einherjer song?
If you're going serious into this, Mantis, I maybe can help u as a webdesigner, if you need a real layout ^^
Hi guys, sorry for the delay but I was busy, thanx for the appreciation
To amf: sorry but I also was looking for a huge old norse wordlist, the one I found out had little or nothing, anyway I'm going to do a research and I'll let you know, about the kenningar I plan to do a page with all the kenningar I found out thru my studies, this is a big project but I'm starting it so expect something in the future, about einherjer song, you can find the translation in the poem itself, if you need it separately I can e-mail it to you :)

To gripe: thanx for you offering, now I'm very busy with my job so I have to fix some things and for now the "copy&paste" things fits well my lack of time, anyway if something will change in the near future I'll write you and I'd be very pleased to be helped out by you