Odinic Metal Is For Vikings Only?


New Metal Member
May 30, 2003
I Read This In A Review Of A Burzum Album
Burzum 'Aske' is Odinic Black Metal beauty and celebrates the liberation of the Viking's bloodline by burning the temples of our wretched enemies, those sick, desert religion, sub-humans. The album is great, especially War and Feeble screams from forests unknown, with their dark, rhytmic, death beats. I, a TRUE Black Metal fan, highly reccomend this album. Remember, Burzum, as well as ALL other TRUE Black and Odinic metal acts are National Socialist Pagans and are for Viking descendants ONLY. As for the Euro/Varg controversey, Euronymous (or at least his image) worshipped death, and he recieved it, and that is a just reward. Don't dwell on any one mortals death, especially if you're into Black Metal. May our Viking blood reign once again!!!! SEIG HEIL!!!!

Myself I Am Readin Alot Into Norse Mythology And I Might Even Take It To Be My Religon Or Atleast Strong Belive There Of. I KNow The Basic Stories Of Asgard And Such (Via Myths Of The Norsemen By Green)and Ive Ordered More Books On It And Am Quite Interested In Everything I Can Learn (btw Amon Amarth Influenced me To Read On Norse Mythology) hehe Anyways I was Dont Know ABout That Review And Odinic Religon And The Fruits OF Viking MUsic AnD HIstory Are For oNly Thouse Of Norse Blood....I Am Not.. Any Advice or Statements Regarding The Subject Whould Be Nice Thanx.
the guy who wrote that review is just a nazi, listen to and read whatever you want to and dont pay attention to racists or other immature stupid people.
Fucking nazi punks!!!
Cant stand them!!!

They use norse symbols and mythology for their own purposes and twists and turns on the words of Håvamål, and the meaning of symbols such as the Tor's Hammer...

I really and truely hate those idiots, not only because of the fact that they are willing to kill people based on nothing else but their skin colour, but the fact that they are putting everyone who acctually is interessted in Norse mythology and Norse history in its true form in a bad light!!!

I myself am of Norse heritage, and yes I have blonde hair and blue eyes...but still...I dont think that Im better than a guy with dark hair and dark eyes, just because of that fact.

So if you want my advice mate, screw those idiots, listen to what you want...but there is plenty of Viking/Pagan Metal out there that isnt nazistic nor rasistic...
A couple of bands you could try out are: Einherjer, Windir, Enslaved and Moonsorrow.
thanx for the comments man,But if I Listen to burzum am i contradicting Myself? or ...wait wtf... does that dude have any truth in saying burzum is for vikings only? I LOVE BURZUM but im irish and ...eh i dont know i like the music god dammit i dont give a fuck btw... im surely check out enslaved and thouse others thanx,
No one can tell you a certain kind of music is for one group of people only. Come on man, think about it. Example: non-christian people still sing christmas carols, whites listen to rap, conservatives listen to metal. If you like it, listen to it. If someone tells you shouldn't listen to something because you're not descended from a few certain people, fuck 'em. That's just NS/nazi propaganda.

Besides, listen to how loud he screams that he's 'true' in that review. :rolleyes:
TheOneEyedGod said:
thanx for the comments man,But if I Listen to burzum am i contradicting Myself? or ...wait wtf... does that dude have any truth in saying burzum is for vikings only? I LOVE BURZUM but im irish and ...eh i dont know i like the music god dammit i dont give a fuck btw... im surely check out enslaved and thouse others thanx,

No problem mate :)

Well, I wouldnt say that he has any truth in saying that...by the way, who is this guy who's written this review?
Wouldnt surprise me if he isnt of Viking heritage himself...

In my opinion Kelts are nearly as cool as Vikings ;)
Brutal and savage fighters, it doesnt get much better than that ;)
Isn't that kind of like saying that white people can't listen to rap music? :lol: That just sounds like stupid nazi propaganda. Nothing to take too seriously.

Aggressor - very interesting comment about the nazis stealing symbols. Even the soix-stika (sp?) used to be a very positive symbol until they started using it in the 1930s. It's sad, really. When I tell people that I have pagan beliefs, they automatically think that I'm a white supremacist. Which is not true at all. The meanings of things get so lost...

TheOneEyedGod said:
thanx for the comments man,But if I Listen to burzum am i contradicting Myself? or ...wait wtf... does that dude have any truth in saying burzum is for vikings only?
You surely mean swastika? That would be what was adepted by the Nazis as the Hakenkreuz... A symbol that is a few thousand years older than those narrowminded bastards. And because of them it is stained beyond comparison now... And neo-nazis still abuse it. All of this elitism just sickens me...
Neo-nazi groups abuse alot of Norse symbols such as the swastika, the suncross and the Tor's-hammer...
Iam often looked upon as a nazi just because of the fact that I wear a Tor's-hammer, I love Norse mythology and history, and Im very much into Viking re-enactment fighting...but as I have said to people over and over again I hate nazis and everything they stand for!
It's a shame Varg Vikernes is such an idiot, considering his musical genius.

Anyway, I know I wouldn't trust someone who babbles about Satan and Odin at the same time... that's like praising both Jehova and, let's say, Surtur. Just plain silly.
the funny thing about the swastika is that its found in ancient civilizations all over the world: china, indenesia, south america, the nordic regions, ireland. used in ancient times, supposedley before huge expeditions (like from europe to S. America) were technologically possible.
Varg Vikernes is a fuckass. I wear a Thor's hammer around my neck, and people call me a nazi! I simply show my interest in norse mythology. Agressor, I get the same shit you do. Oneeyedgod, Dont listen to this NS propaganda.
Aggressor said:
No problem mate :)

Well, I wouldnt say that he has any truth in saying that...by the way, who is this guy who's written this review?
Wouldnt surprise me if he isnt of Viking heritage himself...

In my opinion Kelts are nearly as cool as Vikings ;)
Brutal and savage fighters, it doesnt get much better than that ;)

They were also bisexual o_O

ps - is NS short for National Socialist?
Aggressor said:
Neo-nazi groups abuse alot of Norse symbols such as the swastika, the suncross and the Tor's-hammer...
Iam often looked upon as a nazi just because of the fact that I wear a Tor's-hammer, I love Norse mythology and history, and Im very much into Viking re-enactment fighting...but as I have said to people over and over again I hate nazis and everything they stand for!
i may be playing the devil's advocate, but do you even know what they stand for?
and how is it misuse of the symbols?
i ask this because it seems that too many dont really know what a nazi is.
I say this once again: Those of us who are seriously into this religion know fropm reading the real texts (not those on neo-nazi websites etc.) like the Havamal and the Edda that this is an all inclusive religion and has nothing to do with your heritage or skin colour. Many of us have absolutely no Scandihoovian background or roots or whatever you want to call it, and I wish that these fucks would stop using our symbols and name to further their cause. You can't even say the word "Norse heritage" without getting funny looks, which bothers me since I have such a heritage and I don't give a shit where you come from as long as you understand things such as "Rejoince not ever at tidings of ill but glad let thy soul be in good". Oden said that "Care eats him who can no longer open his heart to another". That means "another" not "another as long as he has blonde hair" or whatever.