Sweetie, I hope you realize that Odinism is not the same as Asatru. There is a difference, which is basically the same difference as Lutheranism vs. Catholicism. A lutheran would worhip the father, the son and the holy ghost, which are all one, whereas catholics can pray to the father, the son and the holy ghost AND the saints. An odinist is devoted singularly to Oden, whereas us asatruar are devoted to the whole slew of them, all the aesir and vanir. For some reason, and I don't know why and I am not against odinism per se, it seems that more neonazis and such folks are drawn to odinism. I don't suppose they realize that the history of this religion started in India, and that the Arian race they hold in such high regard descends straight from India. Whatever, that's their problem. I am a Northern Traditionist (or asatru, if you will) and I know for a fact that we have people of all kinds of background in my felag. You would be welcome, too.