Odinic Metal Is For Vikings Only?

I am Italian, German, Irish, Scottish, French(unfortunately), and Cherokee... I have no scandinavian in me. But I know about and I follow the Norse Mythology and religion. That guy is a fucking asshole thats just screwing up everyone elses social lives
On a side note and since burning_creation mentioned it, I think it is very funny to see americans say i am english-german, french .... i thought americans were just americans.
Kind of an oxymoron when many people in the US tend to critizise Europe but take pride in pointing out their European ties. As far as I am concerned if you are born in the US, you are american and not anything else. Well I had to say it because I have almost never heard any of my euro friends make reference to them having roots in 5 different countires. I personnaly take a lot of pride in my Belgian origins and feel a strong European unity almost everywhere I go in Europe (metal festivals being the prime example followed closely by euro-football games). Still longing for the ancient kingdom, mother Europe. I had to say it, just my opinion but yeah you don't have to be scandinavian to enjoy Norse mythology or any mythologu for that matter.
Belgar, simply calling people born in America "Americans" is not enough. There's such a variety of peoples in America that it doesn't really narrow anything down. Then of course you could be talking of Native Americans which only furthers a reason for knowing your roots unless all other Americans are to be called Foreign Americans.

Being born in the borders of a country does not determine your heritage. As an example, if a child is born from two African parents in Norway, the child is not Norwegian. I'm sure you get my drift.

As for those that critisize European countries and then take pride from being from those countries, well.. in the words of George Carlin.. "That's just plain fuckin' stupid!"

I take pride in my father's Icelandic heritage and my mother's German heritage. Although I was born in the US, that doesn't change the fact that my origins lie in Europe and I have a longing to return to that from which my ancestors came. I'm not seeing the problem here.

Back on topic. This person has no clue what he's talking about. Odinic metal is for anyone willing to listen. And if you wish to read about Asatru but aren't of Nordic blood, who fuckin' cares? If someone wants to tell you otherwise, bust'em in the face with a golf club. :)
Yeah, I'm American, but so are a lot of other people...Asian-American, African-American, Argentinan-American Aleutian-American, whatever. I, myself, am approximately 8,546,793 different types of white, and one quarter Latino. There's gotta be a way to differentiate me from other Americans.

Random babbling aside, Varg Vikernes is a fucking goat-shit-for-brains nimrod and nothing he says should be given any thought. Odinic metal is for anybody who has the balls to survive it...even Jewboys like me :grin:.

If he wants to be a real Nazi he should write the words correctly :Smug:

Anyway, i don`t give a shit about bands like Burzum. I would never spend a cent for such bands, these guys are criminals for me.

I have no problems when they just sing about this stuff, i hate censorship but if they make it come true then it`s too much for me.
[is it bad to hate? if so cancel out Odin as your god. everyone knows Allfather will have you crush your enemies with extreme predjiduce. so who is your enemy as a northman or as one of the faith? the viking blood encompasses swede, dane, north german, norse, scandinavian ,north irish,]russian ect. northmen have been known to not only attack but to later join byzantine empire and were held in high esteem by such.muslem arab scholars, geographers, and historians record much of nordic history. so did our ancestors torture they're muslem guests as they recorded they're history? did they force them to convert to Odinism by pain? obviously not since the arabs did it for hundreds of years. a norseman knows his religion, and cares not of the other religions of the world as long as they don't betray his and the freedom of his people. that's not to say we didn't rouse the arabs for they're strange color and even srtanger religion, but it was only done in good humor. we have attacked and killed many of all races and religions, as well as each other. the one thing you don't hear alot about is northmen converting any blasphemer to they're religion. a trait that belongs grossly to christians. so herein lies your enemy, the desert god's son and his suppressors of nordic freedom. they have stolen our way and the way of many others, even merged our faith into theyr'e books( stole tales from the Eddas and Sagas), i say it's time to hate and whenever possible cut they're fucken heads off!
"no thor won't spare a single soul or let them get away alive!"
To hate is to lose your time,even christian use to kill people who opposed them but they changed there way and evolved, now u do the same. I dont even think amon amarth would kill anyone for there belief and if theyd do then theyd lost my respect really...DO u think Cannibal corpse wants to do what they write? No! We are in 2003..HELLLO? Not to mention that your no better then a nazi when you hate for those kinda reason...
Aggressor said:
Neo-nazi groups abuse alot of Norse symbols such as the swastika, the suncross and the Tor's-hammer...
Iam often looked upon as a nazi just because of the fact that I wear a Tor's-hammer, I love Norse mythology and history, and Im very much into Viking re-enactment fighting...but as I have said to people over and over again I hate nazis and everything they stand for!

Hey interesting point of view you have.I also am very interested in reading history,mythology and i also think nazi are idiots.Well what i really wanted to say is that i thought very seriously about getting a tattoo AND a necklace (probably suncross + Mjolnirr) but the only reason im hesitating is that im literaly afraid of getting in trouble because of these,some black dude migh come to be and kick my ass or something lol (being ignorant of its true meaning)!That and the more obvious one, prejugdice.

Also burningcreation said he had french in him and said "unfortunatly" , why is that? after naming like 5 different nationality he as in is blood the only one he doesnt like is french? Im french but french canadian (yes there is quite a difference).I dont even think i have french in me tho (i mean from france).I have indian (not from India but american indian if you will) + canadian + germanic blood. My family name is MANN wich is german for.. well MAN.. LOL Anyhow,i wonder what those french people did very wrong to be hated some much and i think Canada and America are just Hybrib forms of the East excluding Indians.
nayrvulf said:
they have stolen our way and the way of many others, even merged our faith into theyr'e books( stole tales from the Eddas and Sagas)

Oh yeah? And what would that be, if I may ask? This sounds highly interesting.

(PS. If you wish, you may divide your answer into paragraphs DS.)
What a stupid fuck!!!! Kill em and fuck em all and end this fucking crisis!!! cmn! nobody cares about what one nazi fuck writes!!!
Sweetie, I hope you realize that Odinism is not the same as Asatru. There is a difference, which is basically the same difference as Lutheranism vs. Catholicism. A lutheran would worhip the father, the son and the holy ghost, which are all one, whereas catholics can pray to the father, the son and the holy ghost AND the saints. An odinist is devoted singularly to Oden, whereas us asatruar are devoted to the whole slew of them, all the aesir and vanir. For some reason, and I don't know why and I am not against odinism per se, it seems that more neonazis and such folks are drawn to odinism. I don't suppose they realize that the history of this religion started in India, and that the Arian race they hold in such high regard descends straight from India. Whatever, that's their problem. I am a Northern Traditionist (or asatru, if you will) and I know for a fact that we have people of all kinds of background in my felag. You would be welcome, too.
Screw a bunch of neo nazi dumbass. There was this metalfest last wknd in Tampa, and some skinhead band was playing, so here comes all the skins with red hangers, shaved head, tough jackass attitude. All the sudden one comes to me and says "heyyyy i love yr Thor's hammer, can I buy it from you". I went "welll we probably don't attach the same meaning to it, so what good would it do to you?".

Yeah these guys looked like real bunch of morons, walking around with a swastika tattooed on yr head and yr combat knife hanging on yr belt. I could tell that these guys weren't the brightest of the bunch. As much as I like the whole historical aspect of WW2, these guys were a real disgrace and waste of human air. That was my rant for the day.
Tyra said:
Sweetie, I hope you realize that Odinism is not the same as Asatru. There is a difference, which is basically the same difference as Lutheranism vs. Catholicism. A lutheran would worhip the father, the son and the holy ghost, which are all one, whereas catholics can pray to the father, the son and the holy ghost AND the saints. An odinist is devoted singularly to Oden, whereas us asatruar are devoted to the whole slew of them, all the aesir and vanir. For some reason, and I don't know why and I am not against odinism per se, it seems that more neonazis and such folks are drawn to odinism. I don't suppose they realize that the history of this religion started in India, and that the Arian race they hold in such high regard descends straight from India. Whatever, that's their problem. I am a Northern Traditionist (or asatru, if you will) and I know for a fact that we have people of all kinds of background in my felag. You would be welcome, too.

Hey thanks Tyra, usefull information :) I read that when you pratice asatru you can choose to "follow" the god you prefer,that its a personnaly choice. So wouldnt a Asatru following Odin be extremely similar to an Odinism? Anyhow im pretty pleased to know the arian race comes from India haha . Anyway :) C u
Yeah, but for a rant, it was a really good one! Good for you to tell him to f$%^ off, too. Jerks like that have no right to wear the symbol of my faith, because, as you pointed out, the meaning to them is so far removed from it's actual meaning he might as well wear a f$%^& soother around his neck. That's all it is to him, a crutch. Asatru was never meant to be an opiate of the people.
Re. Odinism: Well, kind of, yes. It is really down to symantics, I guess. I prefer to follow Thor for various reasons, mostly gut feeling. I know Johan prefers Odin, which does not automatically make him an Odinist. You can prefer one over the other, but still observe their festivites and such. Odinism, or "The Cult of Odin" has to do with so much other stuff than just prefering one to the exclusion of all others. Berserkers, back in the day, could have been prefered as Odinists, I guess. Technically speaking, if you give yourself to Oden only (as a difference to devoting yourself to all the gods and goddesses) he has the right to do with you as he pleases, and only he. He is fickle and tricky, and so by making that deal with him, he can take you to Valhall any time he wants to take you, and no other god will interfere on your behalf. It's a dangerous game to play, so choose carefully. Incidentally, most of the old gods had their own cult, except for Loki.
"Anyhow im pretty pleased to know the arian race comes from India haha ."

Actually, I think more research has pointed to the Aryan race as comming from Iran, which is where that country's name is derived. The origional meaning of the term has some sort of relation to "fair haired, or fair skin". It is also interesting in Snori Sturlusson's (sp) "History of the Kings of Norway" when he gives a pretty detailed account of where Odin and the origional fair haired Norsemen came from, which describes it as very close to Iran.

Nietzsche makes a great point in, "the Geneology of Morals" that the Aryan race has long been extinct, and what we consider "fair haired" now is really a far off mixture, long since decended from that ancient tribe.
ska det skååååååååålas we're trying out here in gothenburg city, hope the danish comfort will let me in again aaaaah my friend says i should write something pervy so ah whatäs that? ska det suuuuuugas-jätte snuskigt. hahahahahaha. cheers to kids programs. and cheers to your momma. she is so jättesnuskigt oh my god denmark is mine venthough she givesd me so much sufferag with my pain and i ferel the strain and dstranmger road dispose....we arew getting very drunk here fuckin snowbitten and frosty faced mountain gods this danish styu stuff actualluy tastes good buyt im a danish decent danish guy so...
Man Iam losing all fate in humanity when I read shit like this.
Burzum is for everyone end of story.
And the discussion about the symbols is silly.
Wear them and wear them with pride.
Just because people are asshole ,you shouldn't stop wear these beutiful symbols.
I want to wear Mjölnir around my neck not because I belive in Asatro which I don't(Atheist) but because I'am swedish(damn proud of it to) and remind me to always stay true to my self. I see people from Iran wearing their national symbols and I'am happy to see that people are proud for where they are from.
I have see people from diffrent countrys wearing Mjölnir and nobody reacts but when a swedish person wears Mjölnir then he is a rascist.
It is almost like we are ashamed by what the Vikings did.
Vikings are probably the most interresting thing ever happened in swedish history(Beside when we conquered Russia :Smug: ).