Odinic Metal Is For Vikings Only?

??? But, I mean, things we are talking about here, indoeuropeans and so on, are not subjects invented on the forum. Even the stones know that. If you think so, you are destroying years and years of anthropological studies! Then if you are talking in a christian way like "all men are god's children", is another story.
i don't understand anything in your last post
apart from that:
i just gave that example to show that there are no human "races" as many fascists wanted/want the people to belief

of course the humans developed different cultures depending on their environment, if you meant that
oh, yeah, human races are just fiction! come on get real and step out of this PC dogma! there's various human races and each of them has their own characteristics.

for instance black people living in cold conditions have to take vitamins to synthesize vitamin b because of lack of sun light.

people of asian origin lack a certain enzym which allows someone to drink more alkcohol, so they get drunk easier.

another fact is that white people tend to have a larger brain than blacks and asian people have larger brains than whites (just in case someone tries to put the white supremacist slur onto me)

all of this is scientific fact. science doesn't care about political correctness.
i mean all the human races where perfected by nature for a certain environement and living conditions. no races is "better" than another, each is perfected for their own needs.

and concerning the common origin of the human races: the theory that we all sprung off from the africans is highly doubted today. scientists have found out that europeans might have links to neanderthals (who where about the same intelligence as homo sapiens, maybe even more intelligent according to their cranial measures, just to disprove the common clichee of the stupid neanderthal).
also blue eyes and blond or reddish hair are recessive traits. quite unlikely that all fair whites have developed out of black africans.

however human races most certainly exist. regardless of what some PC maniacs claim. somehow the behavior of those Politically Correct freaks reminds me a bit of explaining sex to some uptight idiot: "it's all natural, there's nothing wrong with that"!
i see you're coming from germany, well that explains a lot!