Carnis Lupus
ask michael jackson!Pyaemia said:Being black. You think the guy chose that? Think he can change it?

all in all you might have some point but in general the attitude of most "anti-fascist" dorks is no more simplistic and retarded than that of "nazi hooligans"!
their most disgusting and ingnorant trait is to brand everything "nazi" that isn't hysterically leftist and ant-racist! this reaches dimensions of thought-controll and fascism as well!
i for myself have a rather right-winged view on many things! on the other hand some views of mine are rather left. all in all i think for myself and don't care about politically correct views!
@metal devi: stealing the swastika? i hope you mean the nazis, because european people stole the swastika in no way from indians. the reasons indians have is because they spring from the same indo-european roos as the europeans. the high castes of indians that is, who are said to look quite european even today!