pic thread...


Morgana!! PLEASE do say YES!!!?!??!!!
Then your marriage will be the first one
here at the UM, all because of the
Vintersorg forum! >:oP Lol!!

And, last, but not least, Final_Vision will
fall off his chair >:oP
You can not back out of suck a serious
question! Hehehe....
You're stuck in it now, aren't ya! >:oP
true......the fact that a baby can actually hold intelligent conversations and listen to metal is very profound and suprising me thinks :grin:
and thus the best candidate to get married!!!! she can't use credit cards yet!!!!!
that's one of the important facts...
the bad one is having to see her mother at least for the next 15 years quite regularly!!!:grin:
What´s this!? A pic thread I have missed? Damned! I have been non atending to say the least!

Anyways... I will make it up..:)

Begin with...Me.. :grin:
