pic thread...

MeaCulpa said:
A picture taken at a local cemetary the other day. I love the new digicam!


! The statue almost looks computer made! :o)
Morg, I love the cat picture! But it's hard to make a bad cat picture, so... yeah.

Now Playing: Sculptured -- The Spear of the Lily is Aureoled -- Fashioned by Blood and Tears
/* random quote */
"No, really, the Republicans are just evil. They hide it for a few years, but then they give up and just go, `You're evil. We're evil. Vote for us.'"
-Michael Kimmitt
Wow. Pretty neat. Although the way the wall an the left sholder match up drives me batty. But I like it...

In the Woods... -- Omnio -- Omnio? (-post)
/* random quote */
"No, really, the Republicans are just evil. They hide it for a few years, but then they give up and just go, `You're evil. We're evil. Vote for us.'"
-Michael Kimmitt
Morgana said:
I like that one B-Spirit :) Did you take it by yourself?

Unfortunatly no :oP It's a great shot :o)

Cool pic MeaCulpa, but I agree with The Nomad, there's
something about the wall cutting off the left shoulder....

And Spaffe; I was just going to say it was as if I'd seen
something like that pic before until I read what you had
written underneath the pic :oP
Yep, I get the idea. The pic is originally in wallpaper size (the smallest one being 1024x768),
and in those one can see the left arm in the darkness, so the arm doesn't appear to be cut off at the shoulder.
Blackspirit said:
And Spaffe; I was just going to say it was as if I'd seen
something like that pic before until I read what you had
written underneath the pic :oP
yepp the cover for the asmegin cd is also nice but not quite as nice as this one hehe, do you like the band btw?
i think they're making some really nice folk-metal with a lot of spirit, not something that can replace allmighty otyg of course, but who could possibly ask for such a thing from a band :|