God damn I got here late. Anyways, F_V, Im gonna beat yer ass for hangin' out with nu-metalers who DARE rip on you. hahah.
About Iceland and Greenland:
When the Vikings founded Iceland and Greenland, they PURPOSELY reversed the names that way would-be plunderers, in an attempt to find nice, lush green land scape, would go to Greenland and catch that shitty climate, rather than the other way around. Smartest Viking move ever, IMO =).
Now, wtf is it with wolves you guys like so much?
And, I dont ski, I snowboard though, I was a damned badass. Some friends and I would boarder-x [cross] but that stopped the one time Adam and I were shoving each other in a race... I was going at 75mph [no lie] hit a patch of ice, couldnt control myself... hit a snowbank, RAMPED off it, and slammed my chest into a tree limb. I was destroyed... then I got up, got better, and kicked Adam's ass =)
Go me. I've got pics, who wants `em?