pic thread...

Little snowy pics from the Alps ;)
Originally posted by The Nomad
Orcs... :puke:

too damn ugly.
That initial fight scene you put up with the elvish swordsman facing the on-slaught is fantastic. I'm sure it's computer graphics, but it's VERY well done. You can barely tell, except that everyone looks identical.
Ugly? :)
It probably depends on the point of view you have, i find them rather interesting - and to be honest when watched movies i was liked more the evil powers than the good ones...
it is just a perspective...
Well, it does look kind of funny actually... For the first glimpse at least.

But, it most probably isn't that very nice for the cat. When you look into its eyes, you cannot feel anything but deepest empathy, and share its hatred against the ones who did it.
for everybody who misunderstood my :rolleyes: concerning to the cat picture: I feel sorry for this cat because his owners really don't know how to treat an animal. But i liked the expression on his face. Why? because it tells a lot... some ppl never thought about that animals has feelings and thoughts even we dont understand them easily sometimes. Fortunately we have a dog at home and as the years go by and he is getting older he deserves more and more attention and patience and now even he cant talk in our language we understand what he wants to let us know with his every little move and every grimace... and as the picture proved some ppl don't think about it...

ps: when i first saw the pic i thought it was a stuffed toy...