pic thread...

These are two pics I took last night while walking home.
The first one is actually my breath dancing... :o)

The second, and very groggy one I had to work with in
Photoshop as it was so dark outside my blitz didn't reach
further than maybe 1m or something! hehe... >:oP
Well, the tree looked really majestic in real, so I'll have
another go at it some other time :o)

Originally posted by Morgana
Phyros as well, hehehehe...

Ok what did I miss?

And BS, that is one hellowa pic! :eek:

I think that is the only picture where I actually liked the colour light blue...! The light in the upper left corner is wonderfull!
Allow me to post some pictures I've recently taken in Vienna's Inner City (just the small versions for now)...

The front of Stephansdom - St. Stephen's Cathedral


City lights...




A snowy tree in a park...(unaltered!!!)

Haha, the tree is all yours! You just have to come to Vienna. ;)
Never thought this picture would trigger group-hugging here...but it's kinda...nice! :D ;) *hug hug hug*