Picking a Pod... reamping dilemma

A Gruesome Discovery

Mmmm... sacrilicious!
Aug 23, 2004
Boston, MA
I'm picking up a Podxt in the near future, because some of the clips I've heard on this very forum have changed my mind about these little red things. I'm going to use it for reamping a few DI'd tracks I've got done, so what would be the best way to go about this:
  1. Get the PodXT Pro. It has a switchable Hi-Z/Line input, and can reamp those tracks without the need for any line to hi-Z converting device, plus more connections that may come in handy some day (though aren't entirely essential at the moment; both units seem to have balanced outs).
  2. Get the PodXT regular, and use the extra cash I'll save to get Reamp or Radial's X-Amp to convert the line signal back to Hi-Z. Even after that, I'll save a few bucks.
I'm mostly worried about the sonic fidelity of the switched Line-In on the Pro; I imagine they've skimped somewhere in the design of the line-converter. However, my instincts are to keep as few devices in the chain as possible, which would rule out the reamping boxes, but perhaps that's an unreasonable requirement given the quality of Reamp and X-Amp? Plus, if I may be so shallow for a moment, rack gear is inherently cooler:D, but I'd rather save a few bucks than get a neat-looking piece of kit; but I'd also rather have the highest quality signal than save a few bucks.
I know some folks here have plenty of experience with either unit; any advice?
Razorjack said:
I'd go for the Pod XT bean and ReAmp myself, the ReAmp will come in handy well after the Pod has been made obsolete.
Excellent point; I'll probably need Reamp some day anyway, and I hadn't factored in obsolescence. I guess the product's been around for a while now, and dumping $600+ into it for the added convinience of a line-in is pretty silly, especially considering that there could very well be a PodXT-2 announced the day after I buy it (plus, Tonelab looks like it could be pretty cool). Thanks for pointing that out!
I agree with Razorjack. The reamp box will be useful a lot longer and in a lot more ways than the POD, so opt for the regular XT and that. Even better IMO, go for the Little Labs IBP for your reamping. It not only sounds really clean, but it's possibly one of the most useful studio tools you'll ever find. Get 3 now!
Exsanguis said:
I agree with Razorjack. The reamp box will be useful a lot longer and in a lot more ways than the POD, so opt for the regular XT and that. Even better IMO, go for the Little Labs IBP for your reamping. It not only sounds really clean, but it's possibly one of the most useful studio tools you'll ever find. Get 3 now!
Thanks for the tip; I have heard a lot about Little Labs, and Mercenary carries them, which is enough proof for me that they're of extremely high-quality. However, IBP looks to be a bit more than I wanted to spend, and I probably won't need to be playing with phase for the foreseeable future. Is the Little Labs Redeye essentially the same thing quality-wise, sans the phase alignment function? I'll totally go for that one, if this is indeed the case.

I'll be picking up my PodXT in an hour based on everyone's helpful input... used, w/FCB-2 footswitch and mounting plate; $200. Hooray!