Picking up Radio Stations on Guitar

did you use an amp? in that case it's not unusual.

edit. re-read that, guess you didn't. i guess it can happen with a guitar, or audio interface as well? this is getting interesting.
did you use an amp? in that case it's not unusual.

edit. re-read that, guess you didn't. i guess it can happen with a guitar, or audio interface as well? this is getting interesting.

I was tracking DI with amp sims. I could originally only hear it with the gain right up on the sim, but that clip is just the output straight from my guitar after being normalised.
Its might be the cable, its happened to me with an xlr cable while tracking vocals, thats how I found out the Chicago Cubs were getting a new manager
i have this sometimes too.. then i plugin lots of overdrives, compressors, booster in front of the amp.. and record it.. it makes nice samples.. for intro and layers.. and all kind of stuff..last time i had some russian radio. lol
I've had it before as well. Usually something in your rig somewhere behaving as an antenna, and lots of pedals, cables and distortion = a high likelyhood if they are not the greatest cables. It was fun riffing along with the 5150 with german radio though.
Its might be the cable, its happened to me with an xlr cable while tracking vocals, thats how I found out the Chicago Cubs were getting a new manager


IME some shielded cables tend to pick up radio interference.
Either try a different cable, or ground your signal path.