Pickup buzz question


May 21, 2009
I looked around and this seemed like the best place on these boards to ask, so here.

On my guitar there are two single coil pickups, one in the middle and one at the neck, and one humbucker. The pickup switch has 5 positions that work how you might expect with each pickup having an independent position and two combined positions in between the 3.

So here's what the problem is. On just the humbucker setting, there's no buzz. On the setting that combines the two single coils, there's no buzz. On all three other settings, there's buzz. I don't really get how the two single coils individually buzz loudly but when combined are completely silent.

So can anybody help me out on this? I don't get how this can happen. What can I maybe do to fix it? Could the problem be in the actual toggle switch?
If I'm understanding you correctly that is just the way those pickups work. When they are combined they sort of cancel the buzz, when the pickup is alone it creates some buzz. I have a fender telecaster that is like this. I'm really a bass player so I admit my experience is limited with this.

Other things can factor in to the amount of hum your getting. Bad power, florescent lights, How close your standing to a power source. How you set and the amount of distortion you have can also bring it out.