Pickup wiring question (SD passives)


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
Okay, I've got a guitar (cheap Jackson) with two full sized humbuckers, one tone pot, one volume pot and a three way selector switch.

I'm replacing the pickups and I want to wire it so that the tone pot only affects the neck pickup, other than that everything else stays the same. The question is: how should I modify the wiring to achieve this?

Here's the basic wiring diagram: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1474550/sd/pickup_wiring_s0.jpg

I'm assuming this schematic corresponds to the original wiring in my guitar, where the pots act as a 'master' tone and volume controls. It's been ages since I've actually tried to understand a wiring schematic and just can't figure this out.

ok..........left and right correspond to the diagram you posted

the wire from the middle of the 3-way needs to go direct to the left tab of the volume w/out going via the tone as it is now

the black from the neck pickup needs to go to the left tab of the tone control and then the left of the tone needs to go to the left of the 3 way

once you'd done that, you'll have a tone control that only affects the neck pickup.

The only (non-ground) terminal that should have more than one wire connected is the left tab of the tone control with 2
Just to wrap this up: I took the guitar apart today and put the new pickups in and everything works like a charm. :)

Thanks again for your help skeksis! :rock: