Pickups for ESP Eclipse


Aug 2, 2007
I just bought a custom eclipse.
I am collecting it this evening. It has the duncan vintage pickups in it and I want to change to something hotter for metal.
I already have an LP standard and a PRS custom 24 for regular rock music and have an ESP MI with emg 81 on the way too.
I can't decide wether to put a duncan JB in the bridge or throw an EMG 81/85 set on it.
I am leaning towards the EMGs but any opinions would be great.
I have 81's in my EC1000 and I couldn't imagine putting anything else in there.
I have 81's in my EC1000 and I couldn't imagine putting anything else in there.

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH yes :rock: 81's for neck and bridge, wouldn't want it any other way! (only like the 85 in the bridge of thinner-sounding guitars, never like it's flubbiness/mud in the neck, and I find the 60 to be too thin/shrill for my tastes)
If it were me and i had the cash id invest in a set o bareknuckles. My friend did and it turned his €400 piece o crap warlock into a monster id love to see what itd do to a real guitar...
Thanks for the opinions.
Got the guitar. It is AMAZING!.
The build quality is nothing short of superb. As good as my PRS and far better than my 2002 LP standard. It is also much better than the Eclipse standards I have seen/played. The full thickness body makes a huge difference.
It has a maple neck and thick quilted maple top so an 81 in the bridge was too bright. Thanks to EMG's quick connect system I was able to try 81, 85 and 60 in neck and bridge and ended up with 85 bridge and 81 neck.
The 85 bridge gives loads of power and fullness and the 81 in the neck gives a smooth lead sound without the flabby low end you normally get with an LP.
Very happy with the way it sounds now.
I will post pics and clips next week when I get a chance.