Pics and info from my band at the march metal meltdown!


Dec 26, 2001
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We played yesterday, 2nd stage at 4:40 PM. We were supposed to be the second band on but somehow we got bumped to first.:Smug: But anyway, we still started at the same time, and played our 25 minute set. Our performance was alright, and the crowd reaction was decent, considering there were only like 30-40 people watching. Oh well. The second stage stayed at pretty much the same audience amount the whole night, including for bands that were signed acts (such as The End and Psychotogen), so I dont feel too bad. All in all it was a disappointment. We sold one shirt and gave away a few CDs but that was it. Next time our singer is going to announce we actually have shit to sell, that dumb bastard.

Anyway, here are some pics of our sexy selves.


rocking out. \m/


my singer tries to recover after a violent spasm of br00tal headbanging.




Satan? (Along with someone's hair in the way of the camera).

So yeah, in conclusion, fuck metalfests. :(
yeah when i first saw it i was like why the hell is that guy wearing that gay shirt lol
good shit though man
I have no idea why he was wearing a MetallicAAARRGH shirt. But I know if I see him wear a MetallicAAAARGH shirt to one of our shows again, I will print this thread out and show to him that wearing a MetallicAAARGH shirt may not be the best idea.
cool pictures!
soooo glad you guys had a good time there and got this opportunity!!!

im sorry i couldnt be there..... i went to see PRIMUS tonight (they ruled!!)
ordered my tickets to this gig a month and a half ahead thats why i couldnt be at NJ... :ill:

good to see you guys had a good time!!
Looked around for some of you but did'nt see ya. Was there friday night with my brother in law for awhile. Could'nt take it, lol. Watched Raven play for a minute(LMAO) and some of seven witches. Was entertaining anyway and went down a bunch smoother than the deal in Florida. Went down to scenic Irvington about 5:30 or so Saturday after going riding earlier in the day and sat through some god awful bands upstairs. The sound was kinda poopy but testament still kicked ass. Jesus Christ, they need to redefine urban blight in the dictionary and include a pic of Irvington.
NicodemiX said:
that crowd must have been full of depraved fools

The shortbuses dropped off many a person I think. I don't believe I have ever seen so many mullets in one place before. Or 5'0 250 pound women........ with mullets, like the earth just split open and forth came the trolls.