Pics from Dream Theater: Boston 3/30


Another lefty freak...
Nov 14, 2003
Ma/Conn Border USA
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I thought you guys might like to see some pics I snapped tonight at the Dream Theater concert in Boston. Please forgive the quality, I was pritty far away and took a lot of pics off the Jumbo screens. I dont know how many of you guys were there, but I must say it was damn good, didnt blow me away, but really really good. The sound quality was OK, but as usual it seemed like they put the retards on the mixer and the Keys and Drums were way louder than they should be, could hardly hear James and John P. most of the time. As much as I love Mike Pinnella, after seeing Jordan Rudess, I am just completly and utterly blown away by his unfucking believable chops and talent, he really is like THE best keyboardist I have ever seen.Now I see why he's called The Wizard. (and Ive seen both Mike and Tony Mac live, Unfortunatly I have yet to see Kieth Emerson:cry: ) I was very dissapointed In John Myung, all we got from his was a brief 20 second bass solo, if you can call it that, no Chapman Stick or anything :waah: . John P's Playing was, as usual perfect, however, just like Myung, no crazy solo's but he did go off a bit at the end. What killer tone he gets from those MarkIIC+'s, damn... Jame's Voice was sounding great, he was hitting everything perfect, and sounded equal to or better than the CD's. Mike Portnoys drumming was great too, nothing over the top, no solos or anything, but still a great all around drummer (Funny thing though, he threw his stick up in the air at least 2-3 times and missed catching each time, lol..)

SO, over all though, the quality of musicianship was top notch, and to top it all off, it was a fairly flawless 3 hour set with NO opening act, can we say :worship: .Enjoy...oh, and PS sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, Its 3am and I just had my ass kicked by DT....must..get..sleep...






I was there and Im gonna say that "great but didn't blow me away" is a perfect description. Musicianship was right on, although petrucci didnt do any of his more badass solos. And portnoy dropped his stick like 4-5 times lol. Even Labrie (who im not a very big fan of) did a nice job, the only really painful moment was the high notes after the first chorus of Take the Time. He was waaaay off and you could tell that he knew it. Despite the shitty sound and seats I saw them with at Gigantour, I think i liked that show better. One more thing, I thought that the Octavarium songs played well live, especially Root of All Evil.
I think you can blame Jame's voice on the mixer guys, because a few times Jame's was looking at the mike like "is this thing on?". Other than that I thought it sound pritty good considering there doing 3 hour sets.

But, other than that Jordan pritty much stole the show...

oh, anyone else thought that the Flash animation kicked ass? I wish I could DL that...

Heres some more pic's. Again, sorry for the quality, wish I was closer...


