Here is a better one that DT ot SX heh >>>

Originally posted by Pablo Wablo
I'm not trying to be overly critical and get this thread off-topic too much but i'm not a huge fan of the whole "If you can't do better, your opinion doesn't matter" attitude. They're opinions. That's it. Like the old saying goes... "Opinions are like assholes... everyone's got one"

Look dude that wasn't an opinion, was a nosense useless bashing against 1 of the Memebers of Symphony X (Like Ultimate Symphony said), What the HELL? pls guys have more respect, don't want someday Mike Pinnella comes here and see those stupid critics.. It supposes that we're all SyX fans.

You mentioned in another thread somewhere that you seen DT live and you said the show sucked. I just don't see what the point of saying that is, that's all.

Now that was not an Opinion was a Fact, (and the Point is they played the most boring songs, JP didnt do any cool solo and JR neither. so DT are boring.), and if you are not happy then go and post your comments in somewhere else.. this is not a DT forum. Bah.. I hate ppl who comes here only to criticize SyX...
When have I bashed them!?!? I'm not bashing my fav band, dude... I'll leave it at that. Opinions are opinions... one persons boring is another persons awesome... it's all subjective, ice cream. Your right this is a SX forum and from now on i'll keep that go against them hidden. :waah: :rolleyes:
I need a coffee. It's too early in the morning to operate without one...
Driiiin! wake up!!! :lol:
The people who were talking about bashing, were referring to the post New Orleans is a Dying Whore made, and not YOURS!!! :lol:
to be honest, Michael Pinnella's solos are one of the worst ones I've heard. has that guy heard of phrasing?!
Ultimate Symphony and NegrocK were right: wondering if M. Pinnella ever heard about phrasing, and judging his solos the worst ever, in the WAY he wrote that comment, did not sound as an innocent opinion, but as an expression of something considered matter of fact (Pinnella should study more about phrasing, that is).
Instead, if i say: "I saw DT concert and it sucked", it's always intended "in my humble opinion", and therefore expressed in a different way, with another tone... got the difference? :)
Maybe New Orleans is... didn't mean to bash anyone out, anyways he still hasn't made a reply so we don't know in which sense did he mean that comment he made...

So my suggestion is to forget about this thread and go out all together eating an ICE CREAM, everyone putting the taste he prefers ;)

I think each member of DT is better than each member of SX apart from the guitar and the vocals.

Romeo is technically better than Petrucci, but, like a lot of people here, I just prefer Petrucci's playing a little more.

I think I slghtly prefer Allen's vocals, but LaBrie is one of my favourites, too. I don't know much about singing, so it's hard for me to say who is better.

Myung is much better than LePond. The comparison is very unequal. Doesn't mean LePond isn't good, he's just being squared up against a very incredible player.

Portnoy is far greater than Rullo. As above.

Pinella plays nice parts. I think he's a great keyboard player, especially coming from a band perspective. But Rudess is a one off. He is generally regarded as something very special. And his soloing is, for me, a lot more inspirational.

Having said all of this, I love Symphony X and wouldn't want them to change. I think with their current line up they're perfect and the music they make is amazing.
well going on topic now :p

Voice-Russell Allen no brainer he's awesome, labrie is a pretty good singer but i've seen him live and i can't stand him no offence of course:cry:

Guitars-Michael i love petrucci's style also but romeo's solos are just flawless and the rythm work of romeo i find it way better than petrucci's rythm

Bass-Myung this guy is awesome in the bass

drums-Portnoy well he's one of my favorite drummers:grin: Jason is great too but Portnoy's ability and experience make him the winner on this one

Keyboards-both are great players and i like Mike's classical aproach more but the stuff that Jordan comes up :eek: if pinella had more stuff besides syx maybe my opinion changes:grin:

well as separate musicians DT wins but as a band i take syx over DT any day:grin:
1. well I can't say if I can play better solos than M.Pinnella, you should ask someone who has heard my solos.

2. my opinion is that his solos are one of worst around prog metal scene (compared to DT, Threshold, Ark etc.), some of his solos are ok, but for example in Absence of Light, the solo(s) makes me want to puke.

3. I wasn't bashing him, I was bashing his solos. other than solos, the guy is awesome.

4. he hardly uses pitch bend and focuses on the speed rather than phrasing etc.

In short, I want to say that soloing isn't his strength IN MY OPINION!

the guy RULES, but his solos are sucky!

if I couldn't do better solos, does that fact make M. Pinnella's solos better?
ok what's your point then of bashing his solos? if you don't like them that's fine and again what's the point of comparing his solos to dt ones? music isn't about who's better than who and if you are a musician i think that's one of the first things you should now and if he hardly uses the pitch bend that's his style if he likes it that way let him do it that way we don't need anyone to come here to this board and bash every musicians weak points no musician is perfect not even MJR, JP or you name it so coming here and bash his weak points is just pointless
I'm not bashing JUST his weak points, I rose some good points too. I gave my honest feedback, that's not allowed here? because this is Symphony X messageboard we shall not say one bad word about the band members? eh gimme a break.
look no one says you can't give your opinion what i'm saying is that you can give your opinion with ''respect'' don't you know what that means or what?
but his solos are sucky
wow there's some respect:rolleyes:

but for example in Absence of Light, the solo(s) makes me want to puke.
another respectfull quote:rolleyes:

again no ones says that you can't give your opinion if you don't like the solos fine but say it on a respectfull way not with all this useless and stupid bashing:rolleyes:
hehehe ok ok take it easy guys ;) c'mon...
I think New Orleans is a Dying Whore (hey couldn't just you chose a shorter nickname? LOL :lol: ) explained better his opinion about Mike Pinnella...
I can get somewhat pissed if someone pretends to judge someone's other knowledge with arrogance and presumption, like it seemd you were doing with your first post... can you give me the fact it sounded a bit harsh - arrogant?
I think you explained yourself better this time:
3. I wasn't bashing him, I was bashing his solos. other than solos, the guy is awesome.
4. he hardly uses pitch bend and focuses on the speed rather than phrasing etc.
In short, I want to say that soloing isn't his strength IN MY OPINION!
For me every critic is ok, everyone has his/her opinions, which must be considered individual thoughts and not rules for the others of course! :)
So i have nothing against you... i'm sorry if we sounded somewhat aggressive... speaking for myself i already have seen so many SyX vs DT threads and so many people bashing against SyX telling they rip DT off/they are lamers/etc etc... that i am FULL! SATURATED!!! STOMACHED!!!!! :s :Puke:
Know what i mean? :lol: so nothin', go on enjoying your music -SyX and DT together- and CHeeeeEEEEEEeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeRRRrrrrrrrSSsssssssss!!!!!! ;)

(well as for what my friend Ultimate Symphony said in this last post, i must agree... is not that you cannot make critics to SymphonyX because you are in a SymphonyX forum, but just try, as he said, to make them a bit more costructive, and respectful of the band... it's so easy no?) :)
lol i just had dinner with a large bloody piece of meat and u make me see that shit!!! ROFL!!! :lol:
hahah sorry give me a beer or an alka seltzer instead!!! :lol:
argh!!! hehehe i quitted smoking one year ago! :grin:
but if you offer me one through the forum i think it will be "filtered" enough to not make me fall again into the cigar-trap again!!! hahah!!! :Smokin: :Smokedev: :Smokin: :Smokedev: ... hey let me have some!!! is one year i dont touch one!!! LOL! :lol:
ok i think i'm going to give you the alka seltzer instead it's cheaper than the cigars so i can keep my money and buy the oddysey:muahaha: :grin:
ahh well ok that's fine :)
Now i think i'm really gonna drink one for REAL haha! :yuk:
I still have that steak travelling in my stomach... if you want to see the TRUE ODYSSEY then you should know how my fuckin dinner is riding throu my digestive system right now!!! ok ALKA SELTZER TIME!!!! :lol: