Who Shares my Opinion?

Katalepsy said:
Granted, I know there are plenty of better guitarists than Tolkki, but that doesn't change the fact that I think he is a good player. And every guitarist has their faults, there is no guitarist that can ever play "perfect." So if you want to point out that Tolkki is sloppy, why don't you point out the faults of other guitarists, maybe point out your own, I know mine; I can't really solo worth shit. Like I say, every guitarist has their faults, but (kinda like physics) for every fault, there is an equal and opposite strength; For Example: I can't solo, but man, I kick ass at rhythm (which isn't necessarily super easy all the time).

I don't think the areas where I am lacking as a guitarist are relevant in my opinion of Tolkki, or anyone else for that matter. Nor do I feel the need to justify my own ability in order to give my opinion of someone else. The fact that I can notice flaws in other guitarists can only help my own development, since I know what I don't like to hear in another player, I can apply that to my own playing and strive for not sounding like what I don't like in others, as well as striving for what I do like.

Anyway, sorry for giving an unfavorable opinion of a guitarist that you like a lot, but thats how I feel about him. I don't feel I'm being nit picky either, and I'd care less about his sloppiness if I felt his melodic sense made up for it, and I don't feel that it does. I mentioned Kai Hansen...Kai's not the cleanest, most proficient guitarist out there...but he has a really good sense of melody in his playing, and thats why I like him.
I am not actually influenced very much by Tolkki, only in certain aspects...As far as his solos go, they are all a lot alike, and I prefer diversity, but overall, his song writing is what influences me most. But as for playing, I am influenced by Mike Romeo, Tom Englund, Henrik Danhage, and Chris & Mike Amott, along with a lot of others, but on a minor scale, those are just the ones whose work I refer to the most when I am trying to come up with a new riff or something.

But anyways, as you said, it is just an opinion, nothing set in stone, and opinions tend to change from time to time. I'm sure as I progess I will begin to pick out faults some guitarists have, but for right now, I focus on their strengths rather than weaknesses.
While I couldn't stand LaBrie at all when I listened to pieces of Six Degrees of Turbulence, I think he actually did pretty well on Ayreon's album The Human Equation. I didn't even recognize him as the same vocalist I'd hated so much. I wonder what the great difference is between the two albums...mixing? Style? Something else?
dargormudshark said:
TIMO TOLKKI!!!, I don't want to sound like an ass but half the guitar players on this board can smoke that nut job!

I agree. As much as I love Stratovarius (very much), Timo is leagues behind Petrucci.

Threadstarter: As you stated, it's all a matter of opinion, but you can't ignore the fact that DT is a Prog powerhouse. I also like Symphony X a lot better than DT, but DT does deserves the praise they've garnered.

A trend eh? I think it's more of a trend to think DT is still the shizz after the craptastic Train of Thought. Of course its just my opinion that it blows goats, but look at the style of music that it's leaning towards. Now THATS a trend.

Anyhoo, for the record I shall now say: OH NO , DREAM THEATER ARNT COOL ANYMORE


ok.. well, I can respect DT for having been unique and being one of the first bands to pioneer the genre. Regardless of what I personally think of them, they are still probably THE most influential prog-metal band (how many prog-metal bands clone them). What the hell they were thinking with TOT I have no idea. Instrumentally I've always thought they were very good, only LaBrie's voice killed it for me. And I agree with Rose Immortal that he did well on The Human Equation.. the reason for this I think is that Arjen pulled some passion out of his voice in a way DT never could. He just has never sounded 'interested' in what he sings in DT's stuff, for whatever reason I don't know.
Yeah, LaBrie sounded like a Top 40 singer on the Dream Theater record I heard. Maybe the more Broadway-like style on THE let him experiment. Who knows...it's probably way too much to hope for, but perhaps the experience will do him some good with DT...?
arglebargle said:
Dream Theater is popular because they're on a major label.
And we all know your label has everything to do with your talent. But, actually, I think the converse of this statement is more true: Dream Theater are on a major label because they're popular.

I for one am a huge DT fan, and I have been since first hearing "Pull Me Under" and then seeing them live back in the early '90's. Sorry, OfSinsAndShred, but I like Labrie's voice too. I suppose you can take some comfort in knowing it's not a lonely world for you anymore. I think Petrucci is an absolute monster. I have yet to hear Romeo build a solo like Petrucci's on "The Spirit Carries On". The timing and interplay between the musicians is sheer genius. Images & Words is my absolute favorite album of the genre, hands down. And I don't really care who disagrees with me because those are my opinions and I just told them to you.
arglebargle said:
Dream Theater is popular because they're on a major label.

Agathodaimon, Crematory, and Mnemic are all on a major label (Nuclear Blast) and none of them seem to be very popular, so that couldn't be it.

I think that DT is popular because they make music that sounds good, because that's usually what "popularity" comes down to in music. Although, some of the most popular music sounds like complete crap, so that may not be true anymore :p
dargormudshark said:
I don't really understand why SX fans don't like DT, confusing :err:

Thats like saying I don't understand why someone would like a chalupa and not a grilled stuft burrito from taco bell. Just cause they both fall under the category of "progmetal" (and some tr00 prog fans debate whether or not SymX really is truly prog or not) doesn't mean they sound similar enough that a fan of one should automatically like the other (in fact, they sound nothing alike).

Personally, I don't like taco bell anyway...might as well just buy it and throw the shit in the toilet; saves me the 5 minutes inbetween.
Yngvai X said:
Thats like saying I don't understand why someone would like a chalupa and not a grilled stuft burrito from taco bell. Just cause they both fall under the category of "progmetal" (and some tr00 prog fans debate whether or not SymX really is truly prog or not) doesn't mean they sound similar enough that a fan of one should automatically like the other (in fact, they sound nothing alike).

Personally, I don't like taco bell anyway...might as well just buy it and throw the shit in the toilet; saves me the 5 minutes inbetween.

I know Dt and Sx don't exactly sound the same. Well all I know is I mainly listen to songs for the melodies and the arrangements, and they are both the best of that in my opinion. King Crimson has that on alot of songs too, but I think they're are alot of people on here who don't like them, Then theyr'e is my favorite band Rainbow and well if you don't like them you are retarted! :)

I don't like Taco Bell either, I prefer Taco Cabana, But I think Texas only has those.
Taco Bell is rotten stuff.. I prefer to make my own mexican food... well with a lil help from Old El Paso.

Anyhoo.. Even if SyX and DT did sound the same, doesnt mean I would like them. I dont like other prog bands that sound like SyX just for the fact that they do.

The main reason I dont like DT is..

1. as we all know.. definately LaBries performances, they grate the shit out of my nerves.

2. The music although good, just seems to go ON AND ON AND ON.. They just dont have the same ability to keep me interested like SyX do.. after 24 mins of The Odyssey, I'm wishing there was still more.. In DT's epics, I am bored after the first 5 minutes and ready to kill myself after 10. The shorter songs like Pull Me Under and Wait For Sleep etc are better, I can listen to those..but I find myself really wishing it was Russell on vocals and not James.
The thing about DT is that they really have morphed their musical style over the years. Yes I know thats PROG, but whatever. I've been listening to Images and Words a lot lately since I haven't heard it in a long time and I'm reminded of how badass it really is. THAT'S the kind of DT I miss. I don't want to sound like one of those elitists that says 'OMG DO ANOTHER I&W' but all I ask is that they start writing some decent tunes again. Change of Seasons, Awake...come on! Thats the real shit. None of this 'don't cross the crooked step' bull. :Smug: