Anyone every notice some of the striking similarites between SX and DT?


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2004
I was just thinking about this the other day for some unknown reason, but anyway, here goes: I noticed some of the few crazy similarities that have made their way into Symphony X and Dream Theater's careers, I'm sure some of you have picked up on some of these things in the past, but its still kinda cool.

1) Both bands released debut albums that featured completely different singers, (Symphony X & When Dream and Day Unite) albums that both had poor studio quality. Both bands hate these debut albums. Not to mention, the singers on both albums didn't fit the music the way their sophmore effort singers did (enter Russell Allen & James LaBrie).

2) Both bands have talked about recording these albums with the new singers, but they never seem to get around to it. Wasnt SX supposed to do that last spring, thats why they didnt go on the tour with Rob Halford? We never heard anymore about that from the band, so far as I can remember, and i havent seen anyone mention it recently unless I missed the posts on the topic.

3) Both bands, have one album that all of their other albums are judged by. (Divine Wings of Tragedy & Images and Words). Although, with this one, I think a lot of bands are in the same boat, but still a coincidence nonetheless.

4) Both bands were having internal and external disputs during the makings of their 4th albums (Twilight in Olympus & Falling Into Infinity). Both albums were rushed and didnt feature all the material the band would have liked to have on the records :headbang: . Both these albums didnt feature the long epic songs that were originally meant to be released on them, due to time contraints and/or label pressure. For DT, the label was against a double CD and for SX, they simply ran out of time...which leads us to my favorite coincidence....

5) Both bands released their 5th studio albums...and they happen to be Concept Albums. Even stranger, was the fact that both these albums were bore out of the problems stemming from the recordings of the 4th albums. Both bands had intended on releasing these longer epic songs (Twilight & Metropolis 2) as EP's or something to that effect. As fate would have it, over time, they started developing themes from these songs and wound up making a full scale album out of songs that originally started out as 20 or so minutes long. This was never the intent from the bands, but if things didnt go the way they did (problems and all), we wouldnt have these two great albums V & Scenes From a Memory.

Anyways, just thought I'd share this with you all. Peace
Further proof:
Both SyX and DT have 5 members in the band.
Both SyX and DT have 2 of the best guitarists in the biz
Both Symphony X and Dream Theater have an M and H within their band names.
Both SyX and DT like pineapple on their pizzas
Both Allen and LaBrie have appeared on an Ayreon CD
Both Symphony X and Dream Theater is composed of 2 different words/letters


RediscoveryoftheAccolade said:
I was just thinking about this the other day for some unknown reason, but anyway, here goes: I noticed some of the few crazy similarities that have made their way into Symphony X and Dream Theater's careers, I'm sure some of you have picked up on some of these things in the past, but its still kinda cool.

2) Both bands have talked about recording these albums with the new singers, but they never seem to get around to it. Wasnt SX supposed to do that last spring, thats why they didnt go on the tour with Rob Halford? We never heard anymore about that from the band, so far as I can remember, and i havent seen anyone mention it recently unless I missed the posts on the topic.

3) Both bands, have one album that all of their other albums are judged by. (Divine Wings of Tragedy & Images and Words). Although, with this one, I think a lot of bands are in the same boat, but still a coincidence nonetheless.

5) Both bands released their 5th studio albums...and they happen to be Concept Albums. Even stranger, was the fact that both these albums were bore out of the problems stemming from the recordings of the 4th albums. Both bands had intended on releasing these longer epic songs (Twilight & Metropolis 2) as EP's or something to that effect. As fate would have it, over time, they started developing themes from these songs and wound up making a full scale album out of songs that originally started out as 20 or so minutes long. This was never the intent from the bands, but if things didnt go the way they did (problems and all), we wouldnt have these two great albums V & Scenes From a Memory.

Anyways, just thought I'd share this with you all. Peace
Disagree on number 2. Band never committed to tour with Halford. And SymX actually have committed one studio track of redone material from the first album. DT is still behind in that category ;)

number 3 is purely opinion. Some judge based on other albums besides Divine Wings.

number 5...Concept schmoncept. This one is about as coincidental as the artwork of the two V albums (Spock's Beard/Symphony X) released on Metal Blade.

but hey, the more you believe the conspiracy theory, the truer it shall be in your mind ;)

True about the Halford tour thing. I'm aware they didn't commit to it entirely, its just I never heard a thing about that re-recording after that initial annoucement on the bands website last February, or whenever it was. All I knew was that was part of the reason they didnt go on the tour. As far as the concept album thing, I'm in total agreement that it was a coincidence, not a "planned" thing by SX to follow DT in any sort of pattern. This is the type of stuff I term as "useless information, but fun to analyze anyway" lol. Peace guys
If you look at "V" and "Scenes", I found some more similarities.

V has symphonic interludes at roughly the same spots as SFAM's piano/vocal interludes... both of them make the albums flow from track to track. Then partway through we have Dance of Eternity and Death of Balance: the tracks that are so filled with time changes and key changes that it makes you dizzy. If you look at the order and the kind of songs, they're really similar, too. That always freaked me out a bit.
I think that DT and SX definitely are in cohoots to create these "coincidences." All of these facts have scared me to the point of pants. I think that when both bands release their 10th album (this is including both bands bad debut albums) on February 29th, 2008, they will begin their world tour together, and the tour shall be named "Twist of Fate 2008: World Tour of Titans."
They pretty much ignore eachother. I know Romeo has some DT CDs from what he's said in interviews and such, but they don't hang out.

Oh yeah... with the sixth studio album they both got into a raw, heavier sound. Another similarity.

Man, they should tour. Metalheads around the world would keel over and die with happiness.
As far the supposed "beef" between SX and DT (and the prospect of ever having a tour together), from what I've read it was Portnoy who mentioned something, I guess in a sort of snitty way, like "yeah, I like how they copied The Mirror on that one." And then if you look into the Ask Mike archives on, he was asked the question about this supposed beef, and he said all he did was mention something about a part of one of SX songs sounding similiar to a DT song. I dont know which SX song Mike was referring to (I heard rumour it was Evolution he was referring to or something off of V, but dont quote me on that). Ive talked to people who said, "yeah, thats mike's way of trying to get out of it", lol
It doesnt matter to me because im huge fans of both bands, but its HIGHLY unlikely the bands will tour together (although Queensryche and Dream Theater (or should I say Mike Portnoy, lol) had a beef over the Iron Maiden tour that QR chose over DT, and they ended up tour together last summer anyway, so who's to say) But I think SX would take away some of DT's fire, especially if it was a double headline show like the Queensryche one. I think were more likely to see an Yngwie/Dream Theater double tour as opposed to DT/SX lol. Although, actually, that would be cool though. Maybe we should pursuade the band to let that happen. Yngwie has stated he's a fan of DT anyway, so that might work. OR, lets get even more nuts, YNGWIE & SYMPHONY X. Just imagine an awesome encore with Yngwie and Romeo jamming together...hell, they look a lot alike to begin with, lol. To me that would be a tour that might be tangible. Ive seen both bands numerous times live, and ive noticed they draw, at least in my area (Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, MA), the same amount of people to each club, every time ive seen both. Sad in a way for Yngwie since he's been around so long (his lack of diversity might have a lot do with that, just a hunch :0). While with Symphony X, they havent been around nearly as long, but still manage to bring a decent enough crowd considering the times and the hopes will be that the crowds will only grow in size..and I know they will, this is only the beginning. Peace my friends
ı think the similarity that portnoy was saying is th dt song miror and symphony x's song in V the part that comes after long piano solo(ı dont rememeber the songs name)The chord progression romeo uses(doubled by keyboards) sounds a lot like mirrors heavy beginning part.just my opinion
yeah portnoy isnt the most polite guy u'll ever meet... and how many other bands have used *the mirror* riff in their songs. let me make a list for you. Time Requiem, ... uhhhh, thats actually all i can think of right now but I KNOW THERE ARE MORE! nothin against time requiem, also. i really wouldnt like to see a DT/SX tour, just because their music is so different to me. Yeah it progmetal, yeah its good, yeah its talent and musicianship out the wazoo, but i couldnt be in a DT mood and an SX mood in the same night. not sure if anyone gets what im sayin here, lol, but atleast i do. How about SX hooking up with Power of Omens on the next tour. THAT would seriously make people urinate...their pants.
RediscoveryoftheAccolade said:
True about the Halford tour thing. I'm aware they didn't commit to it entirely, its just I never heard a thing about that re-recording after that initial annoucement on the bands website last February, or whenever it was. All I knew was that was part of the reason they didnt go on the tour.
Actually, it's been brought up here numerous times, but usually in threads that began as something else, so I can see why you might have missed it. The bottom line is basically that the label decided that they would rather have a new cd out of the band than have them redo the old one. However, MJR has said more than once that they may try to rerecord some of the songs from the debut cd at the same time they go in to record the new material. So the odds are good that redone stuff from the first cd will surface eventually, it's just a matter of when and how.