pics from iraq and kuwait


Jul 30, 2002
Lost Angeles
wanted to share some pics with you of our tour in kuwait and iraq. it was such a life experience i'm still digesting. while the traveling, schedules, and conditions were the most exhausting we've ever experienced as a band - meeting and experiencing the collective with the enlisted, volunteers and contractors really brought alot of meaning to why. every small detail is now packed somewhere in the grand schema that seems bigger than all of us but yet so integral and influential in every moment of our daily lives. with that, here are some moments i captured:
from amsterdam to kuwait - 4 hours to land on moon

theres a huge man made lake with lots of hussein palaces along it - we were lucky to stay at a smaller one there on the right. the majority of folks stationed there live in tents with a/c.


we traveled by blackhawk to visit several bases that couldn't accomodate the larger plane w/equipment


6 AM breakfast with the 1st battalion 87th infantry regiment on fourth of july at fort mchenry - debbie shared a hearfelt moment w/these soldiers thanking them for their hardwork w/ operation iraqi freedom

later that day we landed in a field and ran across it to our waiting patrol of super hummers to visit with the 19th bushmasters. this unit had just lost their sgt a month prior when an insurgent car bomber infiltrated their base w/2000 pounds of explosives. only a square mile, you could hear the goats and chickens of the neighboring iraqi on the other side of the fence.



we visited with the guys who hadn't seen a day off for months, signed a couple missiles, then borrowed some acoustics and played children of the damned, wasted years, the evil that men do, and even crazy train hahah



hot! 115 F most days
Great pics! Kudos for putting that together and going out there for our troops. Having not a day off for months AND in 115 deg temps...oh man...F'n Hella Trooper man, thanks for your support!!!!

On another note, the big transport plane (C-17) is made right here in our yard in Long Beach, California.
Very nice pix, Sara!! Like the one of the bad ass "school buses"! Those are the latest and greatest beasts that, until I seen your picture, were only a rumor out here!
Very cool that Chris (EL Dumpero!) made the trip with you all! Did he meet up with his brother? Why doesn't he post anymore?:lol:
I think you all are wonderful to take the time to entertain the troops and all in Iraq!:headbang::kickass::worship: