PICS from the gig last night...!!!!...killer show also

Well, I dont want to come off as a Waz fan or apologist, but this is a non-Opeth music forum. Technically his band is non-opeth and music. He could be banned for a zillion other reasons i'm sure, but this isn't one of them.
Tell me how it's not self promotion (which as you must know is not allowed), opening up an avenue for every garage band on the planet to post pics from their latest gigs here. Is that how you believe this forum section should be used?
We all know that Waz is kind of annoying at times.. But come on, every forum has their morons?
He's a funny dude, just leave him be..

What if he posted his pics in the post your band info, thats allowed right? ;)
samsara is mad coz Jimmy Kimmel,,.....fucked Ben Affleck...his lover.......PEAC EOUT

everyday there is a new topic about a new band....daily..!!!.....and theres no problem with that.....are u saying if someone else created a topic for my would be ok..??!!!....i don't get the logic...!!!....PEAC EOUT
the fact that all the admins haven't collectively found a way to IP ban every single fucking person in Waz's hometown boggles me
this is not a banable(word??) offense by any stretch of don't get ure panties in a bunch....!!!!....PEAC EOUT
Yeah, i suppose strictly considered, it is self-promotion and thus should be taken away. Not that anyone really cares about waz's band or the pictures, but i think it builds a stronger sense of community for the forum if people are able to post stuff like this. it's obviously not spam, like someone just signing up to post crap and not give a shit about anyone/thing else on here. Everyone knows waz and may or may not care about his pictures. I would imagine the other sub forum about posting our own material would be a better place for this stuff, but it irks me whenever moderators try to eliminate any sort of personal band stuff from non-opeth music discussion. and i've defended waz for far too long, i think im breaking out in hives. its funny because i wouldnt even care if he got banned.
The irony of Wazs' band name is hilarious.

HAHahahaaha.....o man....the crap we get for our name...hahahaha.....we've thougt bout cahnging it...but now we're kindda known its kindda late.....heck it was our ex-bassist's idea.....I perianlly suggested BLAKETH...which at that time I liked...adn I still think is a cool band a not so funny comedic way though...ahahhaa....!!!!....PEAC EOUT
i agree with samsara that this forum cannot be flooded with pics of every garage band's local gigs from last week. fair enough.

but then, waz asked a question which I believe is just: so does this mean somebody else can do that? how are we going to draw the line here?
wow......thats not flattering at all....haahaa....a serial killer......i rather be like a rock star or a super hero...minus the tights...!!!....hahaha......PEAC EOUT
waz asked a question which I believe is just: so does this mean somebody else can do that? how are we going to draw the line here?

Well Don, fortunately for you it's not a "we" decision. That is the burden of the moderator. Just re-read the Forum Guidelines. I have common sense and it has served me well during my mod career here in spite of the criticism I inevitably receive from those who dissagree.

To answer your question directly, though... Let's say that someone posted a few pics from an "Iron Maiden" show as a POST in an ongoing thread discussing Iron Maiden... I'd probably let that stay without a second thought. I regularly dump "Check out my cover" and "Listen to my band's latest" type of posts into the proper thread which is designed for that purpose. Someone just posting pics of some garage band.... that will be deleted pronto because it's spam. Also, have you noticed that in spite of waz's many, many attempts and bannings for directly violating the rules and calling me a nazi, a faggot, and other childish stunts..... none of his bands "Fans" have created and maintained a single active thread singing the bands praises. The only reason this thread is still here is to illistrate this very point. He posted his pics... so now where is all the discussion about how fantastic his band is and when they are going to get signed and how we can all get the CD's? Common sense points out the obvious....He's an attention whore and nothing more. This is the world-wide Official forum of Opeth.... not a place to promote your own band. Send a PM to MetalAges and make arrangements for your own forum if you feel the need. I'm not keeping waz or anyone else from promoting their band. I'm just not letting someone promote their band HERE. This is OPETH's forum. It's really that simple.

I hope that answered your question.