pics that emotionally affect you

demon ethereal said:
Just out of curiosity how the hell does two "lesbians" affect you emotionally?
well, arousal is also an emotion or not?

anyway, I just think it's a sweet couple :grin:
demon ethereal said:
Here's one that affects me


I know I don't believe in him but look at those baby blues!! mwahahah
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Chriiiist yeah
Jesus Christ looks like me
Jesus Chriiiiist
Alwin said:
well, arousal is also an emotion or not?

anyway, I just think it's a sweet couple :grin:

it's the most primitive emotion we've got if it's an emotion at all...but i like to think of it as an instinct

=)) hehe joke... it is me... ;] (i don't want to be selfish... but i like me on this picture =) and i think i am even nice here hyhy)


what do you think about her? i think she is veeeryyy nice... hope you recognize her =)
I like both of them! very nice pics indeed!
you're like "grrrr" in that first pic, do you like catwoman?
but I don't know who the 2nd woman is, so please help?