pics that emotionally affect you

Alwin said:

hm.. she has a nice body =) she isn't bad =) but i prefer more romatnic girl that she... :]
Faelivrin said:
:beep: wrong answer :) as somebody said it is lti tyler =)
why haven't you seen the movies? :> they are great... my favotite films =]
I just don't like the whole fantasy genre. And also the good-evil duality is to simple I think. I like movies about people dealing with what life brings them and in which the emotions of the actors are not indicated by lots of music (violins etc). I like: Dogville, Festen, The Pianist, for example.
Alwin said:
I just don't like the whole fantasy genre. And also the good-evil duality is to simple I think. I like movies about people dealing with what life brings them and in which the emotions of the actors are not indicated by lots of music (violins etc). I like: Dogville, Festen, The Pianist, for example.

i like the pianist. very good film, hm... i prefer fantasy films cause maybe i wish to leave this "gray" world and live in the fantasy world... i like those music in films like LOTR =]