Pictures from Metaljam 2003


Hullu Kissanainen
Hey, maiden fans and metalheads,

After mucho sorting, cropping, adjusting, etc, I have put some of the pictures from Metaljam 2003 on the website:

There are LOTS more coming, so if you don't see yourself jamming, keep checking back. I'll post here as I add more updates.

Also, if I get any of the names wrong, bands wrong, or forgot anything/anyone, please let me know. I'm VERY bad with names!

Enjoy! and more to come!!

-- dah webmistress o dah metalyam site
Looking good so far. Can't wait to see more! No pics of me yet, though. Maybe that's a good thing. :Spin: Ugly...

As for names, it's God of Thunder, Melzy...not Gods. :)
bassbitch said:
Slowly but surely I'm gettin the photos up! :) More to come...

Oh yeah and I fixed the "Gods of Thunder" thingie... what kind of kiss fan am i??
Finally, a peekcha of me with BEAST! :) (BEAST is the name I've given to my red acrylic B.C. Rich Warlock 6-string. Looks great, sounds great, but weighs more than two of my basses put together! :ill: Chiropractor, please!)

By the way, I wasn't posing for that photo. Linda was hitting me! :yell: Hence, that sideways look and that look on my face.

And, since you've fixed the typo on the Kiss tune, you'll only be lashed once with the wet angel hair noodle, Melzy. :D
alanbirdsell said:
Ok, where are you? I wanna see this bass. :D
Well, hopefully Mel still has the photos on her memory cards or else a lot of pictures may have been lost after the Mac frying incident. :ill: If she still has them, you'll see pictures of "BABY" (my newest bass) soon. :) If not, we can just get some from Linda's files, if she hasn't deleted them already.
smylex said:
Well, hopefully Mel still has the photos on her memory cards or else a lot of pictures may have been lost after the Mac frying incident. :ill: If she still has them, you'll see pictures of "BABY" (my newest bass) soon. :) If not, we can just get some from Linda's files, if she hasn't deleted them already.

Fear not, I still have the photos on my work laptop (where I'm writing from now). I had pulled all my data off my iMac earlier this week *whew*. But yes, I have a great pic of Smylex with his new bass that is definitely going online.

Lotsa great pix, and Jen sent me some from Linda's batch too.
Knock Renfield said:
Whew! That was a close one. Take notes here: Back up back up back up......
Yea, sounds like a MAC... ;P

Cool pics Mel. I know how painstaking it can be going through so many. Great job!
bassbitch said:
the iMac's getting a new powersupply and should be back in my hands by week's end or early next week. Then I'll be able to start working on the video!

You may want to think about getting a Furman Power Conditioner for the iMac. I don't really trust those surge suppressors.