Piece of crap 5150......


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I was going in to record guitars today. Used my friend's 5150 cause i like the sound. Used the one on on off axis with a 421 on and a 57 as the off the axis on the cone. Then put a 414 off axis on a 2nd speaker of a marshall cab. Ran them all to some midas XL4 pres and 2 channels through a EI Fatso. Sounded awesome. Very close to the whole "swedish" sound that seems to be very popular, but with a bit more low end chunk.

Got halfway through a song.....then all of a sudden the tone went GOODBYE. The volume dropped about halfway and the tone just wen to crap. Low end sucked and it sounded like a high/mid radio static mess. I checked all my mics and pres and cables.....nothing worng with them. Just the amp decided to crap out. I even tried just cranking the amp up to volume, which was possible, but the tone I couldn't get back. Just the same horrible static junk. I've been told thats a tube problem, but I looked at them and they all seem to be glowing in the same way. (nothing "blue" as I was told that is how you can tell a tube is blown)

This happen to anyone else? Or can you identify the problem with my description? That shit really pissed me off as I didn't have a backup amp handy so a session was a total waste. :mad:
madbutcher said:
(nothing "blue" as I was told that is how you can tell a tube is blown)

Blue doesn't mean a tube is gone!
Blue color is about a type of gas in the tube, that's a chemical reaction that makes that blue color, anyway don't know what type of gas.
The more you set a higher bias the more the glowing it is (anyway 5150 is fixed bias, so you can't set it).
