Pinella's Synth effects


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
I've been trying for the longest time to figure out the solo effect that Pinella uses on Twilight, V, the Odyssey and most likely on V. You know, that awesome synth lead that he uses through the entire thing of Rediscovery Pt.1, for those of us who are still confused as to what I'm talking about. On the website, it says that he uses a Korg, 2 Rolands and an Akai, and he uses the same 2 Rolands live, but not the other 2. Can anyone in fact confirm for me if it's in fact an effect on one of his Rolands, or if it's on one of the others? And if it is a Roland effect, is there a Module or something that may have the effect on it?
I don't think Rudess' patches are overly produced. I think the ones he uses just plain sound like crap. I mean seriously, all your base are belong to the Korg Oasys. But the patches that Rudess chooses to use can just be completely obnoxious.
But the patches that Rudess chooses to use can just be completely obnoxious.

That's what I mean. I don't know ANYTHING about keyboards, but there has to be clearer, less annoying patches than the ones Rudess uses. I like Jordan a lot as a musician -- he's by far the most talented member of Dream Theater, and (excluding Myung) the most interesting to me. However, while some of his solos are very well done, the overly-synthesized sound turns me off completely. If you listen to Pinnella's solos, the tone is far smoother and more natural-sounding. Perhaps Dream Theater's solo sections would interest me again if Rudess used some more Pinnella-like patches (and if Petrucci took the time to write a decent solo instead of shredding every one of them mindlessly).
Hi there.
Pinnella's lead sound is made in the JP-8000, a virtual analog synth by Roland.
That modulation is made by its LFOs destinated to the filter and to the pitch. It's not hard to do it.
I have a brand new Roland SH-201, almost the same virtual analog that JP-8000, and I tried to make a lead that sounds like his, but unfortunally, I'm still trying to put the filter frequency and the LFO rate and depth similar as his, unsucessfully.
I think that he uses the SuperSaw mixed with a simple Saw waveform, but I could get a similar sound with a SuperSaw and a Pulse waveform too.

Well, I hope it could help.

Any results, please show me ^^
Hi there, it's me again.
I spent a couple of hours, just modifying filters, but, I finally got my lead done. :D
It's pretty similar to M. Pinnella's.

I'm using a Pulse and a SuperSaw waveforms, simple mixed [not Sync or Ring, just mixed].

Low-Pass filter, with the Cutoff Frequency around 70-80, and a low Resonance.
The envelope of the filter is simple:
High Attack and Release, Max Decay and Sustain

The Trapezoidal-shape LFO destination goes just to the filter, with the depth set to something around 15 or 20, and the Rate, 15 to 25.

Apply some Overdrive, Delay and Reverb effects, and it's done.
I'll record something here, and soon I'll upload so you can hear and appraise it ^^
I've done it in the Roland's SH-201 a new virtual analog synth SH-201, without using any external effect.
