Pink Cream 69


Mar 22, 2002
Long Island, NY
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Just "reflecting" on their performance from last year. As "Electrified" is playing the background, I can't help but think that I'm probably never seeing these guys again, unless Glenn decides to bring them back in a few years.

They put on an excellent show. They may not fit the "prog/power" genre or what have you, but they just plain rock.

Whatdya say Glenn? :notworthy

Just trying to plant the seed now.

As an aside, I think Progpower X should be a "reunion" of sorts. Get back all of the favorite acts from years past. Bands like Threshold, Vanden Plas, Balance of Power, etc.
Yeah, I liked PC69 too. I would have liked to see Readman REALLY cut loose but for whatever reason, he really didn't I think.

I'll tell ya, I would have LOVED to see the band back in "the day" with Andi Deris. That would have been cooler than hell.
I thought they put on a really good show. They are a talented band and some of those guitar riffs are killer. I would love to see them back on the stage at Earthlink in the future...
Torn2Shreds said:
I thought they put on a really good show. They are a talented band and some of those guitar riffs are killer. I would love to see them back on the stage at Earthlink in the future...

Count me in as well. I've been a fan since the Deris era, and the first disc with Readman almost caused me to write them off. They've been superb since then. Hope Glenn has the oppertunity to bring them back.....

Pink Cream 69 is one of my all time favorite bands and a band that I thought I'd never get the chance to see live. Thanks to Glenn and his wonderful festival that dream came true! I really can't thank him enough. I thought they were awesome and would love to see them play Prog Power again! Hopefully after another great album or two Glenn will have them back. They already have my vote!
I adore PC69, I truly do, but I thought their set lacked the energy and enthusiasm necessary to match other "#3 spot knock-outs" like Tad Morose and Brainstorm. Also the singer did something no band should EVER do and sort of insulted the audience with his "we heard you people were supposed to be enthusiastic ... well ..."

I forgave a lot of this, but I wish they would have just burned the place down like I was hoping they would.
Weird, I didn't think there was much PC69 love around these parts. I had a great time, I wish I could have been on the rail singing to everything. I'm not ashamed to say that they were possibly my 2nd favorite band on the bill last year, after Therion. It was a nice change from some of the wankery, complex for the sake of it sorta stuff...good rock singalongs.
SwordLord said:
I adore PC69, I truly do, but I thought their set lacked the energy and enthusiasm necessary to match other "#3 spot knock-outs" like Tad Morose and Brainstorm. Also the singer did something no band should EVER do and sort of insulted the audience with his "we heard you people were supposed to be enthusiastic ... well ..."

I forgave a lot of this, but I wish they would have just burned the place down like I was hoping they would.

This is pretty much my thoughts, too. I'm a big fan of these guys, but I think Readman is/was a great singer, just not a good performer/frontman. This was really unfortunate, as they were the "lightweight" band on the bill, yet could've really turned some heads if he would've put the nose to the grindstone and made a better effort. Even though he was right about the crowd not exactly being enthusiastic (as a whole), as a professional you're supposed make the people enthusiastic and he wasn't doing it....just kinda looked like it was a problem for him to be there, just not a great attitude. Too bad, cuz I was really looking forward to these guys, and especially Readman since he's so good on the records. Good thing the rest of the band was great so I let it slide.
Going into PP, I was semi-familiar with these guys. I had been listening to Over The Fire, Electrified (awesome song), and Higher Kind of Love for a few weeks leading up to the show.

I like these guys. But those comments from the stage, whether true or not, should never be said to a crowd. A good way to lose people who might have been open to your music.

Cool tunes and great vocals, but this was not an impressive performance. I'd like to see them again someday, putting on a better performance.
SwordLord said:
I adore PC69, I truly do, but I thought their set lacked the energy and enthusiasm necessary to match other "#3 spot knock-outs" like Tad Morose and Brainstorm. Also the singer did something no band should EVER do and sort of insulted the audience with his "we heard you people were supposed to be enthusiastic ... well ..."

I forgave a lot of this, but I wish they would have just burned the place down like I was hoping they would.

Before the show I was talking to a friend who's a well known metal photographer/writer who has had the opportunity to see many of these bands perform at European festivals. I told him my main reason for coming this year was to see Pink Cream 69. His response was "Why? They're boring. They just stand there and play." I told him it was because they're one of my favorite bands and this was my first and possibly only chance to hear them live. Every band has their own style. For me personally, I don't need every band I see to run around the stage like madmen. The music is what's important to me. Hearing my favorite songs performed live and then having the chance to meet some of my favorite musicians. I thought PC69 did a great job and I would gladly pay to see them again.
From what I've seen/heard, that performance was a pretty standard PC69 performance...I was a little disappointed because they were the band I was looking most forward to seeing. I definitely would like to see them again at some point...hell, the way the pre-party is going, maybe they could headline that in a year or so???

I also REALLY LOVE the idea of PP X being some kind of big reunion show! That would be special and I think people would not be too upset with most/all returning bands for something like that.

Ion Vein
Zero Hour
Pagan's Mind
Vanden Plas
Jag Panzer
Symphony X
I agree with you, Swordlord. Though I enjoyed Pink Cream 69's set, they didn't seem to be thrilled to be playing. It was almost as if they were merely playing for the paycheck. That's not exactly the kind of first impression you want your band to make when playing in a new territory. I don't know if that's how they appear on stage in other countries, but it's never the best way to present yourself.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Met-Al said:
I agree with you, Swordlord. Though I enjoyed Pink Cream 69's set, they didn't seem to be thrilled to be playing.

I felt the exact same way. I do think that the set got better as it went along, and it was cool to see a lot of people having a good time during the closing final songs.
Musically I thought they were spot on, I enjoyed hearing them live. Buuuuuuut... kinda boring. Not Adagio boring, but they were damn close. I'd still love to see them come back to PP in the future, maybe play some more of the harder-edged stuff, that might get the blood pumping for more people.