Pink is BACK BABY!!!

Pink_Metal said:
:headbang: My pink hair will be back as of monday!!!!!!:headbang:
about fucking time!!

Yep and my silver ones are coming back too :erk:
Hey Pink what up????
Ok .... Since i'm always getting slammed .......on this board i must ask.....

Will the Carpet match the drapes???????

sup pink. Yeah I was a little punk rock shit head who dyed his hair every color of the rainbow. Now I say fuck hair. One more thing for me to be vain about. Is this the first incident of Thraxx bashing or is this an on going thing. One of the coolest motherfuckers on this board so please step of his nuts.
anal bleaching !!! in the world of beauty its the next big thing :) hahahaha get yer brazilians done and yer ass bleached too !!.........classy ! ;) i saw a show on it, it looks as grim as it sounds....... some people have pretty dirty bums tho :)
lokey said:
anal bleaching !!! in the world of beauty its the next big thing :) hahahaha get yer brazilians done and yer ass bleached too !!.........classy ! ;) i saw a show on it, it looks as grim as it sounds....... some people have pretty dirty bums tho :)

I think i watched the same show, i hate these surgical procedure programms channel 5 have on but i made a point of catching that one.:puke:
channel 5 , that'd be the one buddy :) haha

wasnt as bad as the guy who ate tapeworm eggs as an experiment, that was truly rancid, he lost weight tho :)
remington69 said:
Did you know that some woman bleach their butt hole so it's the same color as their skin? I had no idea that people did this until a friend told me about it. That's fucked up.

people DO this!? My god.....what kind of woman, or person does this? I can imagine the conversation. "anyways, so my asshole now matches the rest of my skin, wanna see?" I bet its the same girls that pay to get their physical virginity back. Look Honey!! I am a virgin again, and you cant tell my asshole from my bellybutton!! Yay!!:ill:
Pink_Metal said:
True. no pics of anything DIIIRRRRRRTTTTTYYYYY...
but pics of my kick ass hair are comin!'s just hair...who really cares? Am I missing something?

I'm going to post some pictures of my kick ass wanted to let everyone know.

poker_fan_in_nyc said:
You know...when I originally saw this post I thought you were talking about the singer :Smug:

Haha, me too! I bet she has enough money to bleech her butthole. But unlike most pop-celebs she seems cool enough not to jump on any trends.