Pirate Metal?

Hey, pirate fag, if you ever gave a listen to Death or Judas Priest`s "Painkiller", you`d think, "why the fuck am I listening to In flames"?

I agree with jean-pierre on death, anything after human is all about preference, because human was a turning point for Chuck`s band, as they lost most grindcore/deathmetal attributes to their new songs. Yet I like em all.

Oh ya, Hatebreed, I suggest you start opening your mind to new music rather than feeling like an outcast at school so you go to a heavy metal tshirt shop and automatically dl all the songs of bands with the most appealing designs.

Wake up and smell the carcass, bitch :p
pour les mains said:
Hey, pirate fag, if you ever gave a listen to Death or Judas Priest`s "Painkiller", you`d think, "why the fuck am I listening to In flames"?

I agree with jean-pierre on death, anything after human is all about preference, because human was a turning point for Chuck`s band, as they lost most grindcore/deathmetal attributes to their new songs. Yet I like em all.

Oh ya, Hatebreed, I suggest you start opening your mind to new music rather than feeling like an outcast at school so you go to a heavy metal tshirt shop and automatically dl all the songs of bands with the most appealing designs.

Wake up and smell the carcass, bitch :p
By reiterating everything Jean-Pierre said and cyber-sucking his weewee, you're the bitch. :Smug:
pour les mains said:
Hey, pirate fag, if you ever gave a listen to Death or Judas Priest`s "Painkiller", you`d think, "why the fuck am I listening to In flames"?

I agree with jean-pierre on death, anything after human is all about preference, because human was a turning point for Chuck`s band, as they lost most grindcore/deathmetal attributes to their new songs. Yet I like em all.

Oh ya, Hatebreed, I suggest you start opening your mind to new music rather than feeling like an outcast at school so you go to a heavy metal tshirt shop and automatically dl all the songs of bands with the most appealing designs.

Wake up and smell the carcass, bitch :p

Open my mind?. I listen to everthing from Emperor to The Verve.
Jean-Pierre said:
I'd describe myself as simply a lover of Heavy Metal, and a hater of "tough-guy" groove-core and mallcore.

How the fuck is In Flames "Tough-guy" and groovecore.

First off anyone with any sense of metal knows they arent very extreme in the slightest(if your implying heaviness). Most fans of the band realize they arent very heavy in the grand picture of metal so calling the fans "tough guys" is moronic. And Mallcore? do I even need to touch on that? they sell far less records, have far less fans and have far less endorsements and radio airplay etc. than Judas Priest but since their not from the 70s they are automatically mallcore even though they (used to)play a credible form of metal. Seriously your a douche bag plain and simple, unfortunately for you the world doesnt revolve around your taste and opinions on music. Fortunately most of us dont attack other's taste in music in order to sound superior to them, so this board remains relatively decent.

and as someone else already said grow the fuck up.
J Mann said:
How the fuck is In Flames "Tough-guy" and groovecore.

First off anyone with any sense of metal knows they arent very extreme in the slightest(if your implying heaviness). Most fans of the band realize they arent very heavy in the grand picture of metal so calling the fans "tough guys" is moronic. And Mallcore? do I even need to touch on that? they sell far less records, have far less fans and have far less endorsements and radio airplay etc. than Judas Priest but since their not from the 70s they are automatically mallcore even though they (used to)play a credible form of metal. Seriously your a douche bag plain and simple, unfortunately for you the world doesnt revolve around your taste and opinions on music. Fortunately most of us dont attack other's taste in music in order to sound superior to them, so this board remains relatively decent.

and as someone else already said grow the fuck up.

In Flames is mallcore. I hate their earlier albums as well (monotonous maiden worship with the worst vocalist ever). It's called an opinion. Where the hell did you come from anyway? Getting called a douchebag by someone who can barely type formidible english was not on my adgenda today.

I never have disliked bands because of popularity, I have no idea why you think that. "Aren't very heavy"? How bout "Aren't in any way related to the genre of Heavy Metal anymore"? I already apologized for being so rash, so why did you decide to dive back into an argument? Oh, because your a self-righteous douchebag who likes to seem mature whenever it's convenient.
Jean-Pierre said:
In Flames is mallcore. I hate their earlier albums as well (monotonous maiden worship with the worst vocalist ever). It's called an opinion. Where the hell did you come from anyway? Getting called a douchebag by someone who can barely type formidible english was not on my adgenda today.

I never have disliked bands because of popularity, I have no idea why you think that. "Aren't very heavy"? How bout "Aren't in any way related to the genre of Heavy Metal anymore"? I already apologized for being so rash, so why did you decide to dive back into an argument? Oh, because your a self-righteous douchebag who likes to seem mature whenever it's convenient.

I didnt even ask for your opinion on IF's music i was quoting you based on your opinion of them being mallcore. I failed to read every post in this thread, so i must have missed the part where you apologized.

Also Mallcore is a term denoted to metal bands who generally are more popular of than the average metal band and have expanded outside the underground, thats where the popularity thing came from. Finally, insulting my typing makes you look really great as well. Seriously. You are quite obviously superior to me because you can type better than I.
J Mann said:
I didnt even ask for your opinion on IF's music i was quoting you based on your opinion of them being mallcore. I failed to read every post in this thread, so i must have missed the part where you apologized.

Also Mallcore is a term denoted to metal bands who generally are more popular of than the average metal band and have expanded outside the underground, thats where the popularity thing came from. Finally, insulting my typing makes you look really great as well. Seriously. You are quite obviously superior to me because you can type better than I.

I'm not trying to say I'm more superior than anybody. Anyway, arguments over, the end. Grammar is your friend.
pour les mains said:
Hey, pirate fag, if you ever gave a listen to Death or Judas Priest`s "Painkiller", you`d think, "why the fuck am I listening to In flames"?

I agree with jean-pierre on death, anything after human is all about preference, because human was a turning point for Chuck`s band, as they lost most grindcore/deathmetal attributes to their new songs. Yet I like em all.

Oh ya, Hatebreed, I suggest you start opening your mind to new music rather than feeling like an outcast at school so you go to a heavy metal tshirt shop and automatically dl all the songs of bands with the most appealing designs.

Wake up and smell the carcass, bitch :p
who the fuck are you? :err:
Pirate Metal, eh? Haha wtf? :err: Well, I guess if you walk around spreading this and that about someone being "pirate metal" it could eventually catch on. Haha.
Jean Pierre you may want to show a little more restraint when it comes to your tr00er than thou posts! This isn't metal-archives where you have to type with your nose in the air to be accepted by the hierarchy of hermits. I'm not flaming you bro...Just offering a suggestion is all. ;)

As far as pirate metal.... Bwahahahahh. Pirates have very little to do with american culture in my opinion. If any metal was to be derived from american history then it would have to be "Colonial Metal" \m/
Jean-Pierre said:
I'm not trying to say I'm more superior than anybody. Anyway, arguments over, the end. Grammar is your friend.
you can't be more superior than superior.

grammer is YOUR friend.:p