i know roundtable is shit but.. i used to have a friend who worked at one. he would make the maui zaui pizza with extra bacon and it was so damn delicious!
I don't know roundtable. I know that bacon, pinapple, and pizza are also friends.

Pineapples, kiwis and mangoes are fucking awesome fruits that are quite multi-faceted.
You ever have Pavones pizza? I think the closed one to you is most likely downtown Syracuse. If not I recommend them---totally killer

Places have come and gone a lot in the past few years, I remember we used to have a papa johns.

The best pizza in town IMO is Ninos II.

The calzone I grabbed however was from Ithaca, little place called D.P. Dough. Fucking amazing calzones, it's pretty much all they bake (they do not have pizza).

Ithaca has some fantastic food. They have some good grass as well (hell yeah you crazy Cornell grads).
In New York I ate a Pizza that had as much calories as a complete week eating plan in Germany. It was like a sponge made of salami and cheese sucked in the fat of 100000 fucking pigs. And you know what...I loved it :)
In New York I ate a Pizza that had as much calories as a complete week eating plan in Germany. It was like a sponge made of salami and cheese sucked in the fat of 100000 fucking pigs. And you know what...I loved it :)

Haha, NYC pizza ftw!

What's the normal diet in Germany? :lol:
