Places to eat around CENTERSTAGE


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Okay, maybe this has been answered before but i think i missed it. Where are some good places to eat in the Midtown area, I know i am going to hit The Varsity. No trip to Atlanta is complete without a Varsity Hotdog. Some one told me there is aplace to get Buffalo burgers, does anyone know this place.:worship:
You don't know meat/steak until you hit Fogo de Chao. It's not that close to Center Stage, but we'll be hitting what can be considered the greatest SteakHouse in the world. Gimme a call sometime John, and I'll give you details...
Didn't I read in another thread, maybe the one about the hotel closing, that the Buddha was going to close as well due to road construction? Is that going to be this year or next? Or was that yet another PP dream...
This year we'll be trying Abdullah The Butcher's House of Ribs. Huge wrestling star here in Puerto Rico. We've read reviews about his restaurant in ATL and they are great. I would love to go to Fogo de Chao, we've heard about that restauranto everywhere. Thank you guys for the different tips. I'm sick and tired about McDonalds, Wendys. Keep those suggestions coming.
We ate at a mexican restaurant not too far from CenterStage that was great, but can't remember the name right now. Anyone knows?
Fogo is amazing, but expensive, and I always pig out completely there... last time, I was there for a late lunch and I didn't eat again until the next night at *dinner.* I don't skip too many meals. :b

Abdullah's was pretty good. I loved their "real" veggies they had. One of the guys I was with was a fan, and he ate up the atmosphere and all the momentoes, so i think you will probably adore it. :)

lady_space said:
The Vortex is actually a couple of miles away in Little 5 Points (there is another one on Peachtree, IIRC, but the one in L5P rocks). Anyone who loves a burger and a beer should head there.

Its especially enjoyable when you're hung over.:zombie:
If anyone's going to Fogo early on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, anyone mind if I tag along with them?

I won't have a car down there and the prospect of walking around for miles doesn't thrill me...and since I don't know where anything is...yeah.

Maybe I should read up on the MARTA system before I head down, eh?
umm i don't know about you, but when i'm hungover i don't want to eat anything. I just want to drink water.

I would however vote that it is quite enjoyable when you're drunk :loco: .
or at least when i'm drunk. :err:
urayoan said:
This year we'll be trying Abdullah The Butcher's House of Ribs. Huge wrestling star here in Puerto Rico. We've read reviews about his restaurant in ATL and they are great. I would love to go to Fogo de Chao, we've heard about that restauranto everywhere. Thank you guys for the different tips. I'm sick and tired about McDonalds, Wendys. Keep those suggestions coming.
We ate at a mexican restaurant not too far from CenterStage that was great, but can't remember the name right now. Anyone knows?

I believe the Mexican restaurant you're talking about is Casa Grande. It's right next door to Ted's Montana Grill. We've been there quite a bit. Good place.

Of course, the Vortex in Little Five Points rules! Little Five Points has quite a few good places to eat and hang out for a beer.

The Varsity is a must for chili dogs and onion rings... Fellini's Pizza located on Ponce de Leon has awesome pizza, El Azteca right next door to Fellini's has great Mexican, more authentic...
Kathy said:
I believe the Mexican restaurant you're talking about is Casa Grande. It's right next door to Ted's Montana Grill. We've been there quite a bit. Good place.

Of course, the Vortex in Little Five Points rules! Little Five Points has quite a few good places to eat and hang out for a beer.

The Varsity is a must for chili dogs and onion rings... Fellini's Pizza located on Ponce de Leon has awesome pizza, El Azteca right next door to Fellini's has great Mexican, more authentic...

Casa Grande it is. Thanx Kathy. 8 of us went there last year and had a blast.
metalsped said:
Me and my man pollution ventured out to Vortex last year (on a seemingly endless hike...thanks mapquest). Great food.
So where is that map jpg for the rest of us lazy fuckers? I'm not wandering around ATL hungry, buzzed and clueless. Not that it hasn't been done. o_O
Kaosaur said:
If anyone's going to Fogo early on Thursday, Friday or Saturday, anyone mind if I tag along with them?

I won't have a car down there and the prospect of walking around for miles doesn't thrill me...and since I don't know where anything is...yeah.

Maybe I should read up on the MARTA system before I head down, eh?

Join us, please. In fact, we're coming from pretty much the same place you are... We're in the NYC area also!!!