Play Station 3

One of the biggest things for me is that if you look at the side by side comparison, they are very close. But the PS3 will be, like twice the price.
I'm getting 360 as soon as I can get my hands on one, and will probably get the PS3 eventually. MGS4 looks FUCKIN' SWEET!
there are trailers out there for the nintendo, and whilst they show no graphics for thegames, the potential of the controller looks amazing, defo more fun based games, but looks very cool

i'd like all three ;)

i do think the ps3 controllers look terrible tho, they dont look like the olds ones, not from the pics i have seen, they look like boomerangs, i can see a redesign happening pretty quickly........
lokey said:
there are trailers out there for the nintendo, and whilst they show no graphics for thegames, the potential of the controller looks amazing, defo more fun based games, but looks very cool

i'd like all three ;)

i do think the ps3 controllers look terrible tho, they dont look like the olds ones, not from the pics i have seen, they look like boomerangs, i can see a redesign happening pretty quickly........

Yeah they're silver boomerangs, but the buttons are the same is what i meant. I wouldn't mind all three myself.
check out.... they got trailers of ps3 stuff and revolution must have 360 by now too,....the graphics on the ps3 for killzone are insane !! i dunno if its intro sequence or what, but its pretty jaw dropping,t o see gravel textures on the ground with shadow effects, smoke looking like actual smoke, fire looking like fire, its pretty damn crazy

just search on kill zone on the main site, oh and defo check outthe revolution trailer, that controller looks mad, the ole fella conducting craks me up.....who'd buy a conducting game?!?!
I'm not really a big gamer myself, i own a PS2 with one game (Pro Evo Soccer is all u need), but recently i've been gettin a great sence of nostalgia regards computer consoles and just bought myself a snes and an original gameboy off e-bay, that's when games where games in my opinion. Anyhow just thought i'd add that, carry on...........
Whiplash402 said:
basicly because i support microsoft and not sony and im sure u would choose ps3 over xbox 360 anyday
Fuck Sony (though I might buy a PS3 some year). Sony pretends like the PSone and PS2 never had overheating problems (which every first gen version of each console did).
Microsoft, from what I've heard, are taking care of such problems.
ThraxDude said:
Fuck Sony (though I might buy a PS3 some year). Sony pretends like the PSone and PS2 never had overheating problems (which every first gen version of each console did).
Microsoft, from what I've heard, are taking care of such problems.

Yeah well you did hear about the whole 360 freezing problem right? Fuck microsoft and Bill Gates. PS3 is going to be way better. Sony isn't going to have the problems of like a million people returning their console like Microsoft did (do to the systems not working and freezing etc.)
MetalThrasher442 said:
Yeah well you did hear about the whole 360 freezing problem right? Fuck microsoft and Bill Gates. PS3 is going to be way better. Sony isn't going to have the problems of like a million people returning their console like Microsoft did (do to the systems not working and freezing etc.)
And you heard about PSones freezing probelms. Fuck Sony.
At least Microsoft will take replace their defective products (unlike Sony). I bet you a hundred bucks that the PS3 will also have freezing problems.

I can't wait for Zelda: Twilight Princess. (gay title, but it's ZELDA!)
ThraxDude said:
And you heard about PSones freezing probelms. Fuck Sony.
At least Microsoft will take replace their defective products (unlike Sony). I bet you a hundred bucks that the PS3 will also have freezing problems.

I can't wait for Zelda: Twilight Princess. (gay title, but it's ZELDA!)

Oh man how can I argue with a fellow Zelda fan. Hey I thought the new Zelda was coming out for the Nintendo Revolution??
This may sound weird but I think the releases that will come out for PS3 are better then the current releases for the 360. I mean two of my favorite games are coming out..Devil May Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4.
I cant wait for hte ps3, freezing problems be damned! What is really funny, is I have a ps2, and my kids seem to prefer our atari joystick games (like 10 games in one joystick) over the ps2!!
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
I cant wait for hte ps3, freezing problems be damned! What is really funny, is I have a ps2, and my kids seem to prefer our atari joystick games (like 10 games in one joystick) over the ps2!!

PS2 owns. The "Devil May Cry" series is my favorite.