It really is a very good read. Some cool stories from the backstage, showbusiness and all. Scott is sometimes very open, sometimes brutally honest, in fact, he even admits that he had to lie to the press about certain things. However, still I don't think some things he writes are not 100% true. I know he can't talk about the whole Dan Nelson thing because of a court sentence, but it's kinda weird he make it happen like Anthrax didn't play a single show between 2006-2009 (he mentions that at some point, I think). Of course they did. As far as Bush goes, there's virtually nothing new, apart of one thing - there's a story that Bush committed to come back in the band and record Worship Music with them, but suddenly changed his mind overnight and said no at the very last point. He also remarks that the 2005 reunion was a sheer disaster and "a fucking nightmare" from the scratch.